Top 10 Gemstones with Health Benefits

Top 10 Gemstones with Health Benefits

For centuries, gemstones have been used for their health properties. For some, these are pieces of the Earth with their own gravitational force or energy and are more effective in supporting some areas of health than anything they have found in traditional medicine, particularly in relation to emotional and spiritual health. Scientists will say that it is the placebo effect in action. This means the stones trigger very specific regions in the brain that release feel-good hormones like endorphins, dopamine, and natural painkillers. Those who refute the placebo analysis argue that scientists do not yet have the tools to study how gemstones work in health.

1. Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz relieves tensions that affect us physically and mentally, allowing the expression of thoughts and emotions to solve problems. Considered the gemstone of good fortune, love, and affection, it is little surprise that Blue Topaz is a gemstone that celebrates a 4th wedding anniversary. Said to absorb heat, the gemstone is also used to ease pains related to arthritis and other inflammations.

2. Rose Quartz

The gemstone of 'unconditional love" rose quartz is believed to support a healthy heart and circulation by getting rid of impurities. This reduces blood pressure and even helps with the healing process. Rose Quartz is believed to increase fertility and protect both mother and her baby from miscarriage. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief.

3. Pearl

Natural pearls have been used in medicine for centuries. Symbolic of purity and sincerity, pearls are the gemstone representing the 30th wedding anniversary. Pearls are said to help aid sleep by restoring the balance and natural rhythm of your body which reduces stress. Physically, pearls are said to relieve bloating and ease the pains of childbirth.

4. Amethyst

Amethyst is a beautiful purple stone that acts as a natural tranquillizer which acts to reduce stress and anxiety and in doing so boosts the immune system. Used to relieve insomnia, amethyst is also said to help with balancing metabolism by helping in the production of hormones in the body. It also boosts the immune system by purifying the blood.

5. Emerald

Emerald is a green gemstone believed to have healing powers, particularly for those with illnesses affecting the heart, spine, lungs or muscular system. It is believed that an Emerald can lift depression, cure insomnia. Emeralds can also lessen complications from diabetes and enhance the immune system generally.

6. Lapis Lazuli

The December birthstone, lapis lazuli boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and calming areas of inflammation. Other benefits include rapid stress release and an increase in positivity and resilience which makes a life of honesty, compassion and morality a much easier one.

7. Garnet

Garnet is a fiery red gemstone associated not only with a second wedding anniversary but also with a boosted immune system and energy levels since it is said to cleanse and re-energise the chakras. Said to inspire love and devotion, it also strengthens a sense of self-confidence, courage and hope. On a physical level, garnet treats bone disorders and regenerates DNA. The Latin word for pomegranate is Granatum from which this gemstone got its name.

8. Tourmaline

The different colours of tourmaline that are able to improve health in a variety of ways. Overall, tourmaline is a very good aid for mental health, with pink tourmaline reducing fear and encouraging compassion. Watermelon Tourmaline improves self-esteem and Black Tourmaline reduces anxiety and stress. Green Tourmaline promotes stamina and reduces whilst Brown Tourmaline can help one overcome addictions. Finally, Blue Tourmaline is said to promote spiritual growth and intuition.

9. Aquamarine

The March birthstone, aquamarine is associated with courage and calmness thanks to its ability to reduce confusion. The stone also works well for meditation and promotes self-expression. For physical well-being, the stone is good for digestive, eye and teeth-related issues. It also relieves allergies. This is a very protective stone during pregnancy as it supports the health of the mother and baby and reduces the risk of a miscarriage.

10. Clear Quartz

Quartz is the "master healer" of gemstones. It cleanses the immune system and detoxifies organs to promote balance and tranquillity. This leads to increased energy and clearer thoughts. Clear quartz does this by drawing off all kinds of negative energy including pollutants which affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the body. Clear Quartz also harmonises all the chakras.

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