Today's trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement has made mobile phones less secure as most use their personal phones for work purposes. You may have to use two phones, one for personal use and the other, work-related. 

That said, Google has launched 'Android for Work', which can help you manage your work and personal information from a single dashboard. 'Android for Work' includes the following work-related key technology components that are applicable to all Android phones and tablets.

1.       Work profiles

Android for Work has been built with default encryption. It also provides multi-user support to Lollipop 5 users. If users don't have an updated version of the Android OS, they can still download the Android for Work app. 

This component will separate personal and business data and applications, making all personal data private while securing corporate related emails, contacts, calendars and other applications. Corporate information will not intervene with users' personal app profiles or info. The app will keep all corporate calendar, contacts, emails and documents safe. 

2.       Google Play for Work

This app makes it safer for businesses to deploy apps to their employees. Great features such as Policy Alerts, Reporting, Geofencing and VPN integrate well into the Android for Work app, making IT's processes simpler as the managers and workers don't need to meet before deploying an app.

3.       Built-in Productivity Tools

The platform includes built-in productivity tools such as Calendar, Contacts and Email. They have been designed in such a way that managing tasks that are related to business are made a lot easier. Document editing, creating presentations and editing spreadsheets are also possible.   

Your personal and business profiles can now co-exist without any hassle, thanks to 'Android for Work'!