We sat down with Terry McGinnis, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Online Shop over a Zoom call this past week. Terry is one of the foremost driving forces, if not the poster child, behind seeking significant changes in the way many startups deal with environmental, socio-economic and sustainable matters.
Many startups are fond of using the most obnoxious buzzwords possible to appeal to a broader demographic and have the best possible chance of success via market fit. Terry however doesn't see this as beneficial to anyone.
"One of my main objectives is to really show other businesses, especially in our industry that it is possible to be truly environmentally friendly and to be socially responsible. It isn't easy, but we're doing everything in our power to be a B-certified corporation. It isn't just lip service, I'm fully committed in being different. We're using environmentally friendly server farms, and trying to formulate best ways to give back to the local community which supports us so much. At the moment we're really aiming to work with local animal shelters and provide necessary funds to support their infrastructure."
Terry who was raised in Malibu until the age of 12 has fond memories of living by the beautiful beaches of Malibu, collecting sea shells from its shoreline caves.
"When you live by the beach you also are first hand witness to pollution and its effects, this is why protecting the environment is so important to me."
Terry is also one of the ambassadors for an organization called 'Only One' a community aiming to share stories, solutions and to take action to protect the ocean. The organization was founded by SeaLegacy and Blue Sphere Foundation. The organization was founded by Cristina Mittermeier, Paul Nicklen and Shawn Heinrichs. The organization has seen support from various celebrities and has ambassadors including Leonardo DiCaprio who has just completed his latest movie, 'Don't Look Up' where plays Dr. Randall Mindy, which aims to warn mankind of an approaching comet that will destroy planet Earth.
Terry who has been instrumental in marketing efforts for some of the world's largest brands and movie studios also knows a thing or two about the go-to market strategy. Having an educational background stemming from likes of Oxford and doing an executive syllabus at MIT, he understands the necessities of technology. With the advancement of said technology, and the gradual phasing out of legacy marketing methods such as print, the environmental impact has also increased due to higher levels of energy consumption needed to power the world's devices today.
"It's not just about spending a lot of money to be above the fold and be seen by everyone possible. It's being the right fit for your audience, the solution to their problems - this even extends to movies and music, what we're able to achieve now with marketing technology is wonderful. It's no longer a guessing game, you can actually make informed decisions. Reduce your cost and get the best possible result.
I believe technology, as it evolves will become better and better at optimization and energy reduction, we already are seeing a lot of such incentives here in Europe. As I mentioned we use clean server farms to host all of our content, meaning we utilize every bit of energy efficiently."