Major Solar Flare Impact on Earth: How Does a Sun Eruption Affect Our Use of Electronics, Technology?

Solar flares have served as the biggest threat from the Sun, which are powerful large eruptions of electromagnetic radiation from the Surface of the Sun sent hurtling at massive speeds into space.

As specified in a Hindustan Times Tech report, the Sun is significant for the survival of plants and humans on Earth, although this gigantic energy source can disrupt all kinds of technology on Earth, which includes the biggest communication system that humans rely on in the present time era-the Internet.

Fortunately, the magnetic field of Earth, as well as the planet's atmosphere, works as a shield to protect humans from the impact of rays from the Sun daily; humanity is not affected most of the time, barring some instances of radio blackouts.

Nonetheless, these solar storms indeed make something beautiful as well-the auroras. Nevertheless, the possibility of wreaking death and destruction is enormous as a strong solar flare can gather a huge geomagnetic storm, which can destroy the technology, specifically mobile phones, the Internet, power grids, and satellites, among otters.

Solar Flare
An image by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft reveal the source of the strongest flare to have been released in four years by the Sun, leading to warnings that a resulting geo-magnetic storm may cause disruption to communications and electrical supplies once it reaches the Earth’s magnetic field. NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory via Getty Images

Impacts of Solar Flares on Earth

Anyone may have heard about the Carrington Event in 1859. The said solar flare left a large impact on Earth, including the failed power grids.

Even during the 1980s, a geomagnetic storm resulting from solar flares suffered a huge power outage in Quebec, Canada, leaving millions of people without electricity.

Similar occurrences can even take place today if a huge solar flare trikes this planet. If that happens, it will knock out the electricity grid, and everything reliant on electricity will stop functioning.

Solar Flares and Use of Electronics

According to a V Technical Textiles report, Solar flare affects people's lives when the atmosphere of Earth has been disrupted by it.

Such disruption generates electromagnetic currents in the atmosphere and on the ground. This current can flow through the atmosphere to the ground level, where the power grid is "grounded." The energy coming from the Solar Flare can overload the yielding equipment that's creating the power.

Last week, Science Times reported about the Earth's star that unleashed a long-duration solar flare early Tuesday, removing high-energy radiation into space for around three hours.

Momentary Radio Blackouts

As indicated in the report, the sun flexed its huge magnetic muscles a week ago, and a pair of solar spacecraft were able to catch the occurrence on video.

Specifically, this said flare is registered as an M3.4 and is described in The Weather Channel, putting it in the "medium" class of the solar outburst. It was powerful enough to result in momentary radio blackouts in the Asia-Pacific region on this planet.

Related information about the effects of solar flares on Earth is shown on NASA Goddard's YouTube video below:

Check out more news and information on Sun in Science Times.

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