Russia's New 'Satan' Missile RS-28 Sarmat That Can Blast Entire US East Coast Set to Enter Combat Before 2022 Ends

Russian President Vladimir Putin announces the development of their country's new missile RS-28 Sarmat, also known as 'The Satan.' According to the leader, this weapon will be completed and displayed to the public sometime in the last quarter of 2022.

Satan 2: New Russian Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system drives through Red Square in Moscow, on May 7, 2015, during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade. Russia will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 1945 victory over Nazi Germany on May 9. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

The missile presented by the president is categorized as an intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM. The Sarmat is a catastrophic weapon powered by advanced nuclear technologies that could bombard a region instantly.

According to Putin's speech on June 21, the Sarmat heavy ICBM passed several tests. Schedulings show that the system would be entering combat duty by the end of the year, he added.

The new Russian missile was constructed to replace the old models of the Voyevoda missiles. This previous system was dubbed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as the SS-18 Satan due to the power it offered for warfare.

The latest model, Sarmat, serves as a successor for the Voyevoda, earning 'Satan 2' as a title of its own.

Russian space agency (Roscosmos) director Dmitry Rogozin explained that the latest ICBM they created is one of the most powerful among its class in terms of warheads and range.

According to a report by The EurAsian Times, the RS-28 Sarmat is immune to the air defenses available today. The missile also exceeds other capabilities of the once-strongest Vorevoda models, surpassing its speed, and could be aimed at an unlimited range.

Russia's Strategic Rocket Forces Commander Colonel-General Sergei Karakaev said that 86 percent of the department's arsenal is scheduled to improve before 2022 ends through the corresponding upgrades they will carry out throughout the year.

The weapons would be combat-ready with their top-tier builds to level with the capacity of the Avangard hypersonic glide system as well as the Satan 2, Karakaev continued.

Sarmat Could Wipe Out Entire US East Coast

The United States and its allies had been considering Sarmat as a threat since the commencement of its development back in April. The intimidation of Putin was later induced by a series of state-run TV commentaries about how powerful the warheads are and even came to be appointed where they threatened the security of the west.

Statements from the programs say that Putin could annihilate the entire east coast with just a couple of their new Satan 2 missiles, Mirror reports. The remarks came from Russian lawmaker Alexie Zhuravlev during a live TV discussion with a fellow specialist Yevgeny Popov.

ICBMs work similarly to how space agencies launch rocket carriers to space. The only difference is that there are no satellites or astronauts aboard the rockets, only ballistic warheads that could blast a town. The cruise carrying the ICBMs could hover across any part of the planet and allows a convenient and quick strike to any countries the controllers decide.

In his 2018 state of the nation address, Putin said that the RS-28 Sarmat missile is 35.3 meters or 116 feet long and weighs approximately 200 metric tons.

The Byte reports that the Satan 2 could also travel at Mach 5, which is comparable to five times the speed of sound. It could also hold a minimum of 10 warheads that can travel within two hours across 7,800 miles between Moscow and the White House.

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