Homeowner Shot a 7-Foot Alligator 4 Times in the Head While the Beast Was Biting His Dog; FWC Will Not File Charges for the Killing

A man from Florida killed an alligator. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) determined no charges would be filed.

Man Shot an Alligator Four Times

On Sunday, March 5, around 6:30 p.m., a Florida homeowner heard a noise in the backyard of his home in Deltona, which is 30 miles north of Orlando. The disturbance happened after he released his dog, a lab named Winston, to enjoy the outdoors.

The man looked into it and saw a seven-foot, eight-inch alligator grabbing onto his dog, according to the FWC official. The homeowner discharged his firearm and shot the reptile in the head four times while his dog was still between its teeth, Miami Herald reported.

FWC officials said that after a thorough review of the incident, the homeowner would not be charged. State wildlife officers took the carcass for proper disposal, according to the officials.

Science Times previously reported about another alligator attacking a dog. Duch, a German Shepherd belonging to the Peace River K9 Search and Rescue (PRSAR) non-profit, was on a rescue mission and was looking for a missing person with his team when a gator suddenly appeared and struck Dutch in the right shoulder. The alligator's bottom fang missed his lung by centimeters, and the top fang went through his tricep to the bone.

They didn't expect the attack. Michael Hadsell, president of PRSAR, told Newsweek that they had not seen any gators in the area or noticed any activity. However, they spotted a 4-foot gator, which they believed was the culprit.

Another 11-foot gator attacked an unsuspecting 85-year-old woman walking her dog. An eyewitness saw how the beast dragged the elderly to her death.

Texas Woman Raised an Alligator as Pet for 20 Years

Although there are many reports about alligator attacks, one Texas woman built a close bond with an alligator, which she raised as a pet for over 20 years. The unnamed woman admitted stealing the alligator egg when volunteering at the Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo.

However, since she had no permit to raise an alligator, the beast was confiscated and was moved to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo Friday.

Those visiting the zoo will see the alligator in the big pond along with the other gators. Jarrod Forthman, the zoo's director, told USA Today that the rescued gator was doing good and healthy.

Game warden Joann Garza previously told KSAT that the female gator was very friendly to the woman who raised her.

Forthamn said the woman could visit her pet as often as she wants because even if she's not the rightful owner, she had the alligator under her care for over two decades.

Meanwhile, the woman was cited with two misdemeanors carrying a $500 fine each.

Check out more news and information on Alligators in Science Times.

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