Property vs pension is a debate that many will consider when looking at investment plans for retirement.
As people enter their later years, maximizing their income understandably becomes a top priority.
Deciding between putting some cash towards your pension or engaging with property investment is a difficult decision to make, as both options are strong methods of securing long-term financial security, as well as an equal number of advantages and risks to consider.
Property investment is a longstanding, proven way to generate a solid amount of passive income, with relatively fewer risks in comparison to other investment options.
On the other hand, pension plans are equally popular and provide a similarly high level of security.
But which strategy is the best one to consider?
Whether you're just starting to think of your future, or you're nearing retirement, the following guide will investigate the pros and cons of investing in property vs investing in a pension.
Investing in Property
As mentioned, property is one of the most popular forms of investment for those looking to save and make money in the long-run.
With this strategy, an investor will purchase a property and see income roll in from rental costs and capital growth.
Capital growth - also known as capital appreciation - is probably the most attractive part of investing in real estate.
As property is a physical asset, it means that it's value will only grow over time.
This is particularly notable for those looking to the future, as you could buy a property today and then sell it after 20 years or so for an amount significantly higher than its initial price.
Looking at the UK market specifically, the last twenty years have seen some impressive house price growth - with certain regions and cities seeing rises of over 300%.
Of course, this potential for considerable returns is one of the main reasons why many people decide to go down this route.
Alongside capital appreciation, you can also receive regular income via rent too - so you can get a bit of cash now, as well as saving for the future.
Compared with pensions, property could also be seen as a smaller risk due to the abundance of scandals surrounding some pension schemes.
Be that as it may, deciding between the two is not exactly simple.
As with every investment, real estate can come with a wealth of risks; so you need to know exactly what you're doing before diving into the deep end.
Pros of Property Investment
Property is a physical asset that you can hold onto for as long as you chooses.
You can see consistent rental returns, which you can either add directly to your monthly income or add to a savings account.
There is a huge demand for property, and not enough supply to meet it. This means you are likely to see regular interest from tenants, as well as growing house prices.
If the market has grown significantly in value by the time you want to sell, you could see some serious capital appreciation on the backend of your investment.
Cons of Property Investment
There are some additional costs to be made after the initial purchase: such as, taxes, insurance, as well as maintenance and repairs.
If you don't invest in the right area, then your property could be subject to significant drops in value that could lead to a negative effect on your investment.
Property investment is not as flexible as a retirement fund, meaning you can't just put a small amount of money into the venture and call it a day. It will often require a higher price tag, which also means you'll need a bigger budget.
Investing in a Pension
Another proven method of securing a retirement fund, putting money aside for a pension is another popular method.
There are three main types of pensions in the UK:
State Pension - provided through the government to all eligible citizen aged 65 and above, this is paid through taxes. Unlike other pensions, you don't build up a significant pit of money. an employer's pension, a state pension, and a personal pension. Currently, the state pension is a maximum of £185.15 per week, but the actual amount will depend on your National Insurance record.
Workplace Pension - Every UK employer must enrol its employees into a pension scheme, with both you and your employer contributing. There are two types of workplace pensions, but the most popular are defined contribution schemes. These are like piggy banks in which you put money in, and it accumulates throughout your working life. Instead of building a pension pot over, you are provided with guaranteed income for life, based solely on your salary.
Personal Pension - These can be opened by anyone who is self-employed. There are several types of personal pensions, but they are all defined contribution schemes and work similarly to workplace pensions. The major difference, however, is that you would not see any contributions from an employer (as that role is essentially filled by you). If you get a self-invested personal pension (SIPP), you can also choose which funds your pension money is invested in, albeit with differing risk levels.
Pros of Pensions
There are a variety of different schemes to choose from, which could give you more choices than other strategies.
Those that enrol in a workplace pension can also benefit from employer contributions alongside their own savings.
Pensions are extremely tax-efficient, allowing those that take part to benefit from pension tax relief.
Depending on the level of risk, you would be unlikely to be left with less money that you originally put into your pension.
Cons of a Pension
Whilst you're unlikely to lose huge amounts of money, depending on the amount and risk you take, your chosen pension may not grow as much as you need for a financially-comfortable retirement.
The UK government may change the rules of your pension at any given point.
Unlike property investment, your money is essentially locked away until you reach a certain age.
Conclusion - The Best Option?
When it comes to your finances, you can't afford to be half-baked in your judgement.
Unfortunately, there is no singular answer to what the best strategy to securing the perfect retirement fund.
Your needs will differ depending on individual circumstances, and whatever method you select will provide its unique set of pros and cons.
To get the most out of opportunities, you must comprehensively research, evaluate, and analyse every facet before making your final decision.
This is vital, as it could make the difference between you securing your financial future or losing it.