Yes, we need to keep putting pressure on governments. Major corporations that continue with their carbon-heavy practices should be put into account. But ultimately, we also must change ourselves and play our part.
Small changes, big effects. It's a cliché, but when it comes to the environment, we need individuals to make sustainable living part of everyday life. Here's how you can implement eco-friendly steps in your own life, without having to make huge sacrifices.
Choose Eco-Friendly Transport Options
The aviation industry is responsible for around 12% of global CO2 emissions. Doesn't sound like much, until you consider that just 3% of the world takes regular flights. With developing countries increasingly making use of air travel, it's clear that their carbon footprint is only going to get bigger.
Instead of flying from San Francisco to London, which produces twice the emissions of an average family car annually (!!), go for a local California road trip instead. Or if you're in London, opt for the Eurostar instead of a flight to Paris. It produces just 10% of the emissions.
For your commute, consider cycling or walking, if possible. Exercise is good for you anyway, so why not combine your commute with your daily dose of cardiovascular output? In the United States, cycling is still very much a recreational activity, but it's time for the country to realize bikes can be part of our everyday lives.
Do Not Waste Food
According to the United Nations, 17% of food is completely wasted. That's 931 million tons of food. Enough to circle the world seven times. Shocking statistics, right?
We know it can be tricky to manage ingredients and portions but try and use every last morsel of food before it goes off. If you're facing a loaf of stale bread, tear it up and freeze it for croutons. Random bits of leftover veggies can also be added to dishes like soups, curries, and stir-fries.
You can also use apps like Olio, which allow you to share food and other items you no longer need with people in your local area. It works the other way, too, with the app giving you access to a range of goodies others are giving away!
Stop (or Slow Down) Shopping!
This one may be easy for some, as it doesn't involve you actively doing something. 'All' you need to do is stop one simple activity: shopping. The products we buy have an immense impact on the environment, and it's only getting worse.
One of the main culprits? So-called fast fashion. You've undoubtedly noticed that clothes are not only getting cheaper, but the quality of products is also less than stellar. Yet our brains get a kick out of buying inexpensive products, getting that neurological hit regularly. It's why we are buying over 60% more clothing.
First off, try and take a break from shopping. Use the 24-hour rule. If you're tempted to hit the buy button, step away from your shopping basket. Come back tomorrow. You'll find that in most cases, you didn't even need the item in the first place.
Lower Meat Consumption, Go Vegan?
Farming animals account for a large chunk of climate change. Meat and dairy put together hover around 15% of total planet-warming gases. It's not what you want to hear, but it's time to consider lowering your meat consumption. But giving up that delicious beef burger may not be quite as difficult as you think.
In the first instance, look for meat that's produced in low-intensity systems. Think organic and pasture-fed, where fewer chemicals are used and animals are not pumped full of antibiotics. It's also far less cruel toward animals, which is something to consider.
Finally, going vegan at least once per week would be a huge help to the environment. Vegan options can also be far healthier, which is why top athletes like Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul have changed their diets to prolong their careers.
Change Suppliers
This is probably the easiest change you can make, changing suppliers. The main one is your energy company. Instead of choosing a supplier that relies on fossil fuels, switch to an eco-friendly alternative that strictly uses renewable energy.
In the United Kingdom, for example, there are plenty of companies to choose from. Bulb is 100% renewable, using a combination of hydro, solar, and wind. In the United States, you've got Green Mountain Energy and Clearway Energy, amongst several others.
You may think that you're just a speck on a huge planet, one of just billions of people. But your actions do matter, and they can make a real difference to our society's efforts to save the planet.