HTC has recently launched its new generation smartphone, 'The HTC One M8'. The phone has a quad core processor of 2.3GHz, 5" HD display and a 4 Ultra Pixel Camera. The protection of this beautiful and expensive phone is the foremost requirement of its user. A single dent on its Aluminum body can deteriorate its value. Therefore, investing a little on its cover and case is highly recommended.
Some of the best HTC One M8 Cases are discussed below:
SUPCASE Premium Hybrid Bumper Case:
- Available at only $9.99
- Black and Clear transparent colors available
- Easy access to all the Smartphone features
- High grade and stiff polycarbonate body provide shielding
- Good shock absorption capability
Crocodile Grained Leather Magnetic Wallet Cover:
- Costs only $10.95
- Available in multiple colors with the blue being standardize
- Attractive crocodile grained skin provided with magnetic snip for protection
- Folding design
- Two card slots for business cards, etc.
SUPCASE Unicorn Beetle Premium Hybrid Cover:
- Available for only $14.99 investment
- Clear black color with many other colors
- Easy access to all the ports and features
- Snap-on type of cover
- To guarantee good protection, the body is made of hard polycarbonate and thermoplastic polyurethane
HTC Dot View Cover:
- Costs only $12.99
- Available in Red, black, blue, dark gray and many other colors
- Matrix sort of display
HTC Dot Flip Case:
- Available at 11.90 Euro
- The dot matrix case makes easy and instant access to the phone even when the case is closed
- Durable and rigid body
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