Fisherman From Puerto Rico Films Human-Like Figure Underwater With Glowing Eyes Believed To Be Mermaid

Fisherman Films Human-Like Figure Underwater With Glowing Eyes Believed to Be Mermaid
Fisherman Films Human-Like Figure Underwater With Glowing Eyes Believed to Be Mermaid Pexels/Victoria Rain

A fisherman from Puerto Rico was stunned when a human-like figure was caught on camera while filming the water. It seemed that the figure was walking underwater and had glowing eyes. They speculated that it was a mermaid.

Did Fisherman Film a Mermaid in Puerto Rico?

In an unsettling video, a human-like figure was seen in the sea, which has the internet convinced that mermaids exist. The incident occurred on June 19 off the coast of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, and was witnessed by a group of fishermen.

In the video, a little patch of the ocean can be seen lighting at night with blue and green lights. A bizarre human-looking figure briefly bursts the water as they approach it, Daily Star reported.

The long, slender shadow glides towards the right of the camera frame as the waves crash against the fishing boat. The motion resembles someone walking.

One fisherman cried out that something was present underwater.

Before the figure bobs up and down in the water, it catches the light's reflection.

The strange occurrence piqued the viewers' interest, who shared their opinions about the strange sighting. One said that the figure resembled a siren or a mermaid and made that blue circle light underwater. Another asked if the others noticed the figure's glowing eyes when it turned and gazed at them.

A third person said that it appeared to be a person walking underwater. Meanwhile, another user said there was another grey figure at the beginning of the clip, seemingly following the humanoid throughout the footage. They asked if the other viewers noticed it too.

It remains unclear what the figure was.

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Real Life Mermaid Merle for Ocean Cleanup

Merle Liivand, or "Mermaid Merle," also known as the "eco mermaid," made another world record in April after swimming 50 kilometers around Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida, to collect trash. It was her fifth Guinness World Record.

Mermaid Merle is an advocate of ocean cleanup. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection said high levels of debris in the bay had threatened wildlife and public safety.

In a previous report from Science Times, Liivand intended to pick up plastics to shatter world records. She may be seen swimming in the ocean while gripping a piece of trash in the video.

Liivand has already set four Guinness World Records. While collecting rubbish in the ocean, she recently broke her fifth record.

She circled Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida, over 48 kilometers while wearing a monofin. In 14 hours and 15 minutes, she finished. As she swam, a crew of kayakers cycled while keeping watch.

She thought it was crazy because she hadn't been in the water for four hours and her bag was already stuffed with rubbish. How there was so much rubbish in the river baffled her.

She reminded the people that "We need to do better." After removing 35 pounds of rubbish from the bay, Liivand said they needed to save Biscayne Bay as there were places where it smelled like the toilet.

She stated that there was too much garbage. She could not explain whether the rubbish she had gathered was alarming, but she sounded upset and angry anyway.

Check out more news and information on Mermaid in Science Times.

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