Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats, Tips, and Tricks: Make Money and Instatnly Improve Health

Grand theft Auto 5 is an amazing and addictive game. Even though the game displays violence and adult content, it is really enjoyable. But this game is strictly prohibited to children under 13 or until the child matures enough.

There are certain cheat codes and tricks that will make your game more enjoyable and interesting. Some of them are listed below:-

To make early easy money:

The best and the simplest way to make money during the start of your game is by robbing armored vehicles. The armored vehicles will be visible as blips on your map. First reach the vehicle and remove the drivers out. To open, shoot the back doors by the handles exactly in the center. After the door opens, collect the money and run away also avoid the cops. In every vehicle there is approximately $5000 cash.

To repair your car instantly:

To repair your car it's necessary to have access to no less than two characters. So when your car is damaged or requires repair, just switch to another character and then instantly switch back. You will find your car as good as new.

To refill your health instantly:

This process is also same as the one for repairing your car. You must have access to two characters. So whenever you are injured just switch to the other character and then instantly switch back. You will find your life meter increased.

To obtain free weapon upgrades:

To obtain free weapon upgrades go to an Ammu-Nation during your mission and buy all the upgrades you can. After purchasing the upgrades kill yourself and your mission will fail. Doing this will get your money back and when you check at the Ammu-Nation, you will find the weapons marked purchased.

To land safely with the skyfall cheat:

Do a direct vertical faceplant while using the skyfall cheat and you will land safely. This will help when you want to travel around fast.

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