UAP Sightings: 30 Non-Human Craft Allegedly Recovered by Intel Officials Since World War II

The U.S. government reportedly discovered over 30 unidentified flying objects (UFOs). A top investigative journalist made the claim, citing officials with high-security clearance.

Over 30 UAP Sightings

According to investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, up to 30 non-human craft have reportedly been found by intelligence personnel. Following a Congressional hearing on UAPs-the government's term for UFOs-the potential UFO bombshell was released as the topic received widespread attention.

Shellenberger said on former Fox presenter Glenn Beck's YouTube channel that persons with extremely high-security clearances were terrified to speak to him. He speculated that it may have been unpleasant if they had spoken to him publicly.

He added that at least a dozen non-human vessels had been retrieved someplace on the north side. According to several people he knew, it's allegedly over 30 since World War II.

He claimed that if U.S. lawmakers are interested in UFOs, there is a chance to "finally get to the bottom" of the problem.

His remarks follow allegations made by former U.S. Air Force officer and intelligence official David Grusch, who told several media outlets that he had spoken to unnamed U.S. officials that led him to believe the government ran a covert UFO program.

On July 26, 2023, Grusch testified before Congress, saying he had learned about a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program while doing his official duties, but had been refused access.

He said the U.S. had recovered biological material from " non-human " accidents.

However, Grusch's statements were disputed by several academics who cited the absence of concrete UFO proof.

As John Semester of NASA's UAP independent study team wrote in Boston University's Alumni magazine, "One can argue objectively that his claims are two steps removed from being Earth-shattering." Not only has he failed to provide any credible proof - photographs, artifacts, or any other manner of data - but he has also not personally witnessed or held any of the objects he cited.

William Shatner Reacts to UFO Hearing

William Shatner reacted to the country's UFO hearing. However, he wasn't convinced by what he heard about it and called the entire hearing "ridiculous."

The legendary actor claimed that extraterrestrials from 10,000 light years away with advanced technology are unlikely to hide if they arrive on our planet. He exhibited strong skepticism and utilized common reasons to critique the premise that those "sightings" were highly advanced spacecraft from other solar systems.

Shatner has participated in earlier investigations regarding UFOs for entertainment purposes, such as documentaries like "A Tear in the Sky."

Shatner wasn't the only one who was skeptical about UFOs. Mick West, a prominent UFO investigator and the author of "Escaping the Rabbit Hole," wasn't persuaded about the rumored pyramid-shaped UFO. He claimed that it was a plane because it matched one.

UFOs were brought up in conversation after a hazy video of a blinking, pyramid-shaped object was captured in mid-flight. While circling the USS Russell, the UFO exhibited three flashing lights. Since they weren't flashing frequently, West thought the flashing lights were comparable to FAA-compliant ones on conventional planes and concluded that the object was just a plane.

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