The Vampire Diaries Recap and Spoilers: Did Stefan Really Turn Off His Humanity?

Right off the bat, we have to say that this episode was one of the best ones we've seen in a long time. But to be honest, we have a lot more questions than answers, there, I said it. It was great to see Bonnie back, but then started the threat from Caroline. Here are some of the questions:

Is Stefan faking that he turned off his humanity?

So we read in many places (on the internet of course) that Stefan could be faking that he has turned off his humanity. But it begs the question - is this even possible?

Does Stefan know that it is a huge risk and that things might go south?

Sarah Salvatore is the key to turning Stefan's humanity on?

We saw Stefan saying on the phone that Sarah should turn it back on, but is she really the key to bringing the good Stefan back? Will Sarah be able to see Stefan loving the tasty, blood-filled humans again and also make sure that he doesn't drains their blood like a soda can?

We are still not sure how to feel about that. Help us in the comment below.

Will Lily Salvatore get warm greetings when she's back?

One thing that we suspect, is that Lily will definitely be returning. No predictions as to when, but we are certain that she will return anytime in this season.

So, will the Salvatore family have a great reunion and will Lily get a warm welcome from every vampire? Or will it be a really awkward thing because according to Kai, she killed 3,000 people, which then raises another question - is she really a ripper? Is she really that terrible vampire, or there are Kai's other ulterior motives at play here?

What's Enzo's next plan?

We know that Enzo wants to take everything that Stefan cares about and just wants to cut his knees off. But now that Stefan has turned off his humanity and doesn't really care about anything, what would be Enzo's next plan?

Also, we have to say that Enzo was definitely compelling in this episode. Maybe they should bring some more of Enzo in the next episode.

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