Vladimir Yevtushenkov: AFK Sistema as a Significant Tool for Economic Development

Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Vladimir · Yevtushenkov V.P. · Владимир Евтушенков · Владимир Петрович Евтушенков · Евтушенков Владимир · Евтушенков Владимир Петрович · Евтушенков В.П. · Vladimir Evtushenkov · Vladimir Petrovich Evtushenkov · Evtushenkov Vladimir · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · يفتوشنكوف فلاديمير · エフトゥシェンコフ・ウラジミール · 弗拉基米爾·葉夫圖申科夫
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich is the founder of an investment company that has been contributing to the development of the forestry industry, agriculture, telecommunications, and other key economic sectors for 30 years. Today, it holds a diverse portfolio of about a dozen assets, while the businessman dedicated himself to social impact investment and charity. This article will discuss details about the founder's activities and the company itself.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Biography
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich was born in a small village located a few dozen kilometers from Smolensk. Today, only about 10 people live in Kamenshchina, where the businessman grew up. However, in 1948, when Vladimir Yevtushenkov's biography began, the village was thriving: It had 86 families and a functioning farm and dairy that provided employment to the local population. The entrepreneur's mother was a regular employee of the agricultural outfit, taking care of the livestock and milking the cows, while his father was the director of the entire production.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir worked in the chemical industry until he was 39, having graduated as a chemical engineer from the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology in 1973. As Vladimir Yevtushenkov later noted, his childhood dream was to be a scientist working in his own laboratory.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich was captivated by the natural sciences from an early age. As a schoolboy, the future businessman studied the composition and structure of substances and conducted experiments to see how one material transforms into another. His scientific endeavors were not limited to the chemistry classroom, as he often conducted experiments in his own room. The decision to enroll in a specialized university was a logical continuation of the professional course he'd chosen in his childhood.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov started his studies at the Institute of Chemical Technology.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir earned his second college degree at the age of 32. By this time, he had already held managerial positions within the relevant industry, but to further his career growth, he needed to learn about economics and management. He earned his degree from the prestigious MSU, which was the starting point for active scientific research: Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich wrote and defended two dissertations, ultimately earning the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Factory Work

From 1973 to 1987, the Vladimir Yevtushenkov biography developed in the field of chemical production. After completing his studies at the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, the certified process engineer was assigned to a large enterprise based in what is today the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The plant, which has a scientific and technical center and a design and technology bureau, has implemented innovative projects from conducting research to implementation in industrial production. Vladimir Yevtushenkov was initially hired as a master, and within two years, he was already supervising one of the sites.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich then secured a position at the Karacharov Plastic Plant in the capital—a leading manufacturer of plastic products for domestic needs. As the head of one of the workshops, he was responsible for production and economic activities, supervising work on improving technologies and mechanization and automation processes and improving product quality while reducing costs.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov conducted applied research during this period, which led to the implementation of an innovative casting method. He thus helped increase the production potential of Polimerbyt (as the company has been known since the mid-1980s), which currently surpasses its domestic competitors in terms of capabilities.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir's career grew quickly, and by the time he was 35, he had already held the position of deputy general director of the large chemical enterprise and chief engineer of the plant. However, in 1987, he left the manufacturing sector.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov: AFK Sistema Founded
In 1993, the businessman founded AFK Sistema. Vladimir Yevtushenkov was supported by partners in establishing the company, thus launching its biography. Vladimir Yevtushenkov envisioned strategic plans for the corporation to invest in the development of enterprises in various economic sectors.
He remained with Sistema until 2022 when he stepped down from his role as a member of the board of directors, which he had chaired since 1995.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov initiated a strategy whereby the investment company began directing funds toward acquiring stakes in structures of various sizes, beginning in the telecommunications industry. Investing in the creation of the first domestic mobile communications companies was one of Vladimir Yevtushenkov's first projects. AFK Sistema OJSC eventually took the company public three years later, listing its shares on the NYSE. The funds raised were directed towards the development of another representative of the domestic telecommunications industry, which currently occupies a leading position not only in the mobile communication services market but also in IT.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir thus founded and contributed to the development of a diversified portfolio that includes companies in about twenty different fields of business, including socially oriented businesses.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir: Medicine
The mid-1990s marked the beginning of the formation of one of the first networks in the country to provide commercial medical services. The creation of the network was initiated by Vladimir Yevtushenkov. AFK Sistema became the owner of a large clinic in 1996—the first medical center of a network that had grown to 132 medical clinics throughout the country by the beginning of 2023. The network itself has become a powerful, innovative clinic and diagnostic center, with 25 departments and unique competence centers.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir and the Sistema management team have outlined the mission of the clinical network: "To make the achievements of medical science accessible to everyone." For over two decades, the company has strictly followed this mission, and the number of annual visits now exceeds 10 million, with 1.1 million unique patients receiving the full range of medical services, including high-tech diagnostics, complex surgical interventions, and rehabilitation.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov notes that the network of clinics has enjoyed great success. In 2018, it held leading positions in terms of providing qualified medical assistance to cancer patients in the capital region. In all, more than 13,000 people underwent treatment (including chemo and targeted and immune therapy) at the network's clinics. The company also opened a specialized cancer treatment center in a suburb outside the capital.
The network's progress underscores the commitment to offering exceptional healthcare services, reinforcing its reputation as a top-tier provider of medical care in the region.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich: Tackling the COVID Pandemic
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Vladimir Yevtushenkov contributed to numerous initiatives to combat the crisis. The company's strategic decisions and swift actions across various fronts exemplify a comprehensive approach to corporate social responsibility and healthcare support.
Initiatives supported by Vladimir Yevtushenkov include:
1. Mobilizing Textile and Clothing Assets:
Yevtushenkov Vladimir supported a textile combine within Sistema in producing essential fabrics for medical masks, addressing the acute shortage.
A Sistema retail clothing company was reoriented to sew reusable masks, contributing significantly to the national requirement.
2. Reinforcing Healthcare Infrastructure:
At the initiative of Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich, a hospital within Sistema's medical network was rapidly converted into a specialized COVID hospital.
A post-COVID rehabilitation system was also implemented within this network to aid recovery efforts.
3. Support for Medical Professionals:
AFK Sistema's hotel business provided accommodation for frontline healthcare workers, ensuring their rest and safety.
Sistema's timber holding, initiated by Vladimir Yevtushenkov, supported the local hospital with oxygen cylinders and facilitated taxi services for overburdened doctors.
4. Pharmaceutical Contributions:
Yevtushenkov Vladimir facilitated the development and mass production of a COVID-19 vaccine at a pharmaceutical facility under Sistema.
The company doubled the production of antibiotics essential for COVID-19 treatment, manufacturing over 10.5 million packages in 2020.
Sistema's biotech company, with his support, developed a rapid express test system for COVID-19 and a genetic test predicting the severity of infections.
5. Charitable Endeavors:
Vladimir Yevtushenkov's biography highlights his charitable nature, especially during the pandemic. In April 2020, he launched the #StranaBezVirusa initiative, raising about 2 billion rubles to support healthcare institutions and staff.
This initiative significantly alleviated the challenges faced by the medical community across the country.
6. Leading Pharmaceutical and Biotech Innovations:
As part of AFK Sistema's strategic response, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich contributed to the transformation of a medical producer into a global-scale COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir participated in the transfer of laboratory technology from a leading research center to expedite vaccine production.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vladimir Yevtushenkov played a supportive role in addressing the crisis. His participation involved redirecting AFK Sistema resources and initiatives to combat the pandemic's challenges. This period in his career highlights the importance of private sector involvement in societal issues, especially in healthcare emergencies. The businessman contributed to supporting medical professionals and broader societal needs during a time of global health crisis.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov, AFK Sistema: Developing the Pharmaceutical Market
In 2006, the financial corporation also expanded into the pharmaceutical market. The process of forming a future holding (completed in 2020) was initiated by Vladimir Yevtushenkov. AFK Sistema created a full-cycle pharmaceutical company that by 2009 was producing drugs of all major therapeutic groups and supplying the market with the Regevac B hepatitis vaccine.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov is one of the initiators of the consolidated company, which currently unites five production sites in three regions of the country. The Group's enterprises, created with the participation of Yevtushenkov Vladimir, produce more than 100 drugs from the list of essential and vital medicines, and the company's product portfolio includes about 450 pharmaceutical registrations overall. As aforementioned, during the pandemic, the Zelenograd plant began production of the country's first anti-COVID drug.
Yevtushenkov Vladimir helped create the pharmaceutical holding company, and by the beginning of 2023, it was a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer and exporter to nearby countries. The company's products are purchased by 14 states overall.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Philanthropy and Social Responsibility
Vladimir Yevtushenkov took a facilitative role in diverse charitable activities, reflecting his commitment to social responsibility. His biography includes the establishment of the Sistema charitable foundation in 2004, a venture that underlines his involvement in various philanthropic endeavors.
Under the guidance of Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich, the foundation embarked on substantial projects across healthcare, education, science, sports, culture, and high technology. Notably, in healthcare, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the foundation was pivotal in providing essential support. This included the production of medical masks and the transformation of a medical facility into a dedicated COVID-19 hospital, as well as the development of post-COVID rehabilitation systems, as previously mentioned.
In the educational and cultural domains, the foundation has supported various initiatives, including restoration and digital technologies for a prominent national art museum. With the charitable foundation at AFK Sistema, Vladimir Yevtushenkov was instrumental in doubling the investment in museum digitalization over three years, underscoring his belief in making culture more accessible through IT solutions.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov's biography also emphasizes his long-standing role as chairman of the board of trustees for the museum's development fund, showcasing his sustained involvement in fostering art and culture. His foundation's investment in museum projects, including virtual tours and online art courses, reflects Yevtushenkov's focus on inclusive and educational initiatives.
Furthermore, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich also extends his philanthropy to projects aimed at social welfare, such as aiding missing citizens, providing career guidance for youth, and assisting people with disabilities. His foundation's commitment to these causes highlights a broader spectrum of societal impact.
Vladimir Yevtushenkov and his philanthropic pursuits demonstrate a blend of corporate leadership and social responsibility, with a focus on advancing public welfare through diverse charitable initiatives.