Statue of the Centaur of Pompeii in Italy
(Photo : James Frid)

We often believe we are the first to discover or understand something in today's society. In this article, we provide examples that show even ancient understanding is parallel to our own in many ways. We will specifically evidence the examples of Pompeii, primarily because this time capsule provides incredible insights into Roman life, Roman society, Roman creativity and ingenuity. 

According to [], in the summer of A.D. 79, Mount the Vesuvius, a volcano the Romans believed dormant, erupted into life, spewing smoke and gas 20 miles into the air. Some residents were killed immediately by gas; others escaped and returned to the site for the goods and valuables over the three-day eruption. During this return to the city, a secondary, lateral explosion obliterated those left on both sides of the mountain. Ash filled the roofs, which then collapsed, and ash continued to fall, encasing all that was left, including food, people, animals and everything else. It is estimated some 2000 of the 15,000 inhabitants were killed as a result of the volcano, according to [] 

Why Pompeii is important

It is critical because it provides a complete snapshot of actual life and a true picture of daily life for Romans in 79 A.D. Pompeii is perhaps one of the most accurate representations of Roman culture and beliefs to be discovered, meaning that we can better understand the Roman approach to trade, food, religion, Law, health, well-being and fitness. 

Demystifying Hollywood drama and real-life

Pompeii allows factual evaluation of daily activity, and thanks to an earthquake 15 years before the Vesuvius eruption, the Romans documented damage and accounts at that time. They provided evidence of rebuilding, starting with the most critical communal spaces. This rebuilding in itself also works to show the value the Romans put on certain buildings, including baths, fitness arenas, social areas and essential shops. It demystifies many of the prior understandings and Hollywood romances. 

Pompeii was first discovered in 1748, but it is still being unearthed almost 300 years after its discovery and still provides new insights. An example is how Pompeii helped scientists/archaeologists better understand written documents, paintings and mosaics depicting Roman life. This is especially true of the life of the gladiators, which both confirmed and dispelled certain beliefs. 

Gladiators, exercise and well-being

During the excavation of a gladiator training site, Archaeologists found evidence to show that gladiators were often locked in their rooms. This was proven at Pompeii, where Archaeologists found many had been left locked in their rooms while the general population escaped. What was interesting was it also shared how much value was placed on exercise for the gladiators. Not just gladiators because during additional excavations around Pompeii, they also discovered communal exercise spaces for city residents. Alongside this, we were able to confirm that even enslaved gladiators were permitted to use communal exercise facilities and public baths, which were free for all to use as part of Roman society. Again, this was evidenced in Pompeii and displayed clarity around the hierarchies in Roman society. 

The incredible detail captured in Pompeii gave archaeologists and scientists genuinely unique insights into the life of the Romans at that time. It helped them see how much regular exercise was as important as any other part of their lives, including religion. Placed at a similar level of focus on faith, fitness, and mental health, which were Pompeii and Roman life's priorities.

Reasons Romans focused on fitness: 

  • Healthy bodies are less susceptible to disease

  • Being unwell brings you and others down

  • A healthy society is a prosperous society

  • Good health improves productivity

  • Healthy body, healthy mind

  • Healthy people in communal spaces reduce infection

  • A healthy community attracts trade and wealth

  • Fitness provides a sense of well-being

How can we learn from the Romans?

This time capsule proves how vital health and well-being are through the frozen moments entombed at Pompeii. From the communal exercise parks to the free-to-use communal baths and, of course, the shops and remnants of the chemists, food vendors and massage parlours. The Romans were respected for their efficiencies, understanding, and ability to develop a healthy society. It is well documented that the creation of aqueducts and water availability to communal spaces in Rome, but this is also seen perfectly evident in Pompeii, shown in the wear and tear on the communal springs. Sculpted water springs were found all over the part of Pompeii that have been uncovered so far, with water available free for all city residents. These beautifully carved troughs speak to the availability of natural resources. 

More recent times

Roll forward almost 2000 years, and our governments found that being a healthier society staved off COVID, so medical advice was to exercise during the global pandemic. Improving your fitness level was shown to reduce the chance of infection and improve recovery rates in patients who caught Covid 19. It is imperative for larger communities and cities and is something that the Romans seemed to understand in 79 A.D. Recently, many fitness businesses were relied on to provide home fitness equipment. Fitness brands were poised to deliver millions of items to homes and customers globally. A spokesperson from UK fitness brand Mirafit confirmed that the demands during the pandemic and post-pandemic phases were the highest ever recorded by the business.  


Roman society shows us the importance of fitness for the general population, the gladiators, and the Roman Army. Pompeii helps us conclude that even early society realised that physical and mental health was a priority for a prosperous and healthy community. This very topic was echoed globally with the emergence of a deadly pandemic. Therefore, governments and society must understand that general health and well-being should be a focus, perhaps even at a level that matches education, because education typically lasts 15 years. Still, fitness is something to maintain throughout adult life. In this article, we have provided examples from Pompeii that include the importance of fitness and what this proves, and we back this up with a more recent example. If you found this article insightful, read more on Pompeii, click here