Some have been suggesting that nose picking and eating booger could boost the immune system, but is this really true?
Mucophagy: Nose Picking and Eating Boogers
Mucus, or boogers, traps germs and dust before reaching the lungs. Picking one's nose and eating boogers, which is referred to as mucophagy, are nothing new. In fact, in the 70s, ancient Egyptian scrolls were found to contain discussions regarding paying the personal nose picker of King Tutankhamen.
Regarding the perceived benefits of mucophagy, there is minimal research regarding the practice because most individuals do not want to participate in the research. However, biochemistry associate professor Scott Napper from the University of Saskatchewan suggests that eating boogers could have some good effects, as the consumption of boogers exposes the body to mucus that has trapped bacteria within it.
Theoretically, the body could build up bacteria immunity toward the mucus and become better in fighting bacteria that cause illness.
A study has also claimed that the salivary mucins found in booger could help with the formation of a protective barrier for the teeth. This barrier could aid with the reduction of dental cavities and also suppress particular microbes.
Mucophagy Risks
As for the perceived risks, there is minimal research that names this. However, a study has discovered that those who engage in nose picking have higher likelihoods of carrying Staphylococcus aureus compared to those who do not. While this bacteria does not always bring harm, it could potentially lead to infection if one accidentally cuts or scratches the nose.
Excessive nose picking can also lead to damages in the nasal lining. This, in turn, could result in epistaxis or nosebleeds.
Women who are pregnant should also be careful with nose picking, since hormones during pregnancy could relax nasal muscle tissues and boost blood flow. Because of this, frequent nosebleeds may result.
Too much nose picking can also lead to nasal passage lesions, which includes symptoms of discharge, obstruction, facial swelling, nosebleeds, and pain.
Is It Good to Eat Boogers?
Boogers or mucus are naturally protective of the body as they capture bacteria, dirt, viruses, and dust before entering the respiratory tract.
While some may think that eating boogers could bring benefits, there is a need for further research to back up the claim. There is more evidence that shows that eating boogers brings risk to one's health.
For those who are trying to stop nose picking and eating boogers, taking concrete steps is advised. These include identifying the underlying causes behind the behaviors and trying out saline nose drops. Enhancing the accessibility of tissues may also be more helpful.
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