Are Dog Owners Happier Than Cat Owners? Psychologist Sheds Light on Long-Standing Debate

pet cat and dog
Pexels / Helena Jankovičová Kováčová

Both dogs and cats are great companions, but is there a significant difference in well-being between both dog and cat owners?

Who Is the Happier Pet Owner?

A study shows that dog owners have comparatively high self-esteem compared to those who do not have pets of their own. On the other hand, cat owners seem to have slightly lower self-esteem compared to those without pets. These findings align with other research that shows the link between well-being and pet ownership.

Though the debate remains unsettled, there are still some reasons why owning a dog may offer more protection to one's well-being.

Dog Owners vs. Cat Owners

For one, a study discovered that dog ownership is more strongly linked to higher physical activity compared to cat ownership. Since dogs are energetic animals, they need to exercise regularly. Because of this, it is more likely for dog owners to remain more active.

When these owners take their dogs for a stroll or bring their dogs outdoors for physical activity, it also grants them more chances to see new people or meet friends.

On the other hand, cats are more independent animals that prefer to stay confined. While they could explore on their own, their adventure is largely different from a dog's park walk. This behavior does not lead to the same degree of social interaction of physical activity compared to dog ownership.

Aside from this, the personality traits of pet owners can also affect their happiness. A study discovered that both cat and dog owners had differences when it came to the Big Five traits of personality, which are openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and extraversion.

The study found that dog owners had higher agreeableness and lower neuroticism compared to cat owners. Dog owners also exhibited more extraversion.

This argument, however, appears to have the chicken-or-egg nature. Do happier people choose to own dogs or is it the dogs that made these people happy? Nevertheless, it shows that dog ownership comes with good outcomes.

Another study discovered that male dog owners had higher reported self-esteem compared to their male counterparts who did not have pets. In contrast, female cat owners had lower self-esteem compared to women who did not have pets.

That being said, the verdict about the happier pet owner is not that straightforward. Though dog owners have higher likelihoods of facing situations that could promote happiness, cat owners can still experience happiness with their feline friends.

What's most important is to choose which animal suits one's lifestyle best. For those who prefer intimate companionship and outdoor activity, having a dog might be a good choice. Those who may want less needy companions and who want to just stay home could opt for a cat.

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