Pet Owners Favor Dogs Over Cats, Willing To Spend for Pooch’s Insurance and Treatment [Study]

Many have considered dogs and cats as part of their household. However, a new study suggests that the canines and felines receive different treatment from their masters.

Dogs Receive Preferential Treatment Over Cats

According to a survey, pet owners prefer their dogs to cat owners. However, it is based on your location.

This conclusion has been supported by other research, but researchers from the University of Copenhagen wanted to investigate whether cultural influences affected the findings.

Professor Peter Sande of the University of Copenhagen, the study's first author, stated in a press statement outlining the findings that consumers are ready to spend significantly less on their cats than on their dogs. We were interested in whether cats would one day attain the same high status as dogs do today.

The poll had several participants - 844 dog owners, 872 cat owners, and 401 people who owned both dogs and cats. The participants were surveyed about their pets in Denmark, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

Overall, individuals' attachment to dogs was rated higher than their attachment to cats. Owners were more likely to insure their dogs, anticipate a broader range of treatment options, and pay for this therapy.

However, the outcomes varied wildly between nations. For instance, while only somewhat, the findings in the United Kingdom favored dogs. There was a pronounced preference for dogs in Australia and Denmark.

In all nations, people worry more about their dogs than their cats, although the extent of the difference differed significantly, according to Sande. Therefore, it doesn't appear to be a widespread phenomenon that people care about their cats less than their dogs. Instead, we propose that the difference is more likely influenced by cultural aspects, such as how much time the pets spend with their owners at home.

The researchers emphasized that cultural variations and views toward dogs may be to blame for the disparity between nations. The country's history with rural animals and how frequently they interacted with people may have contributed to this. These elements might have influenced how people view pets in society today.

Cats vs. Dogs

Cats and dogs need care, love, money, time, fun, grooming, and frequent veterinarian visits. In general, dogs are more expensive, require more time and attention, and occasionally are more affectionate, but cats are neater, more accessible to care for, and cost less. Cats are also more independent.

Your choice won't just come down to "Would I rather have a dog or a cat?" but will also rely on what you want from a pet and how much time, money, and attention you can provide your new pet.

It would be best to consider your time commitment when deciding whether to get a dog or a cat. Dogs require more time than cats and don't like to be left alone at home. You should also consider your budget because dogs are more expensive than cats. Additionally, their temperament - dogs are needy and affectionate, while cats are independent.

Also, when it comes to grooming, cats do not need bathing. However, they should be brushed regularly. On the other hand, dogs, especially those with long hair, need grooming and frequent bathing.

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