The body has its own natural mood boosters and pain relievers. These are endorphins.
The body naturally produces endorphins when a person engages in pleasurable activities. These pleasure-inducing activities may include laughing, sex, and exercise. On the other hand, endorphins are also naturally produced during times of pain, such as when one's ankle gets twisted.
Endorphins are also called endogenous opioids. They are actually a group containing peptides. Endorphins are mostly controlled and released by the body's pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
These endorphins are a kind of neurotransmitter and are considered hormones as well. They work on opiate receptors to promote pleasurable feelings and alleviate pain.
Though research regarding these neurotransmitters is still ongoing, endorphins are known to reduce discomfort and pain, attenuate inflammation, boost pleasure, reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress, boost mood, and improve self-esteem. They may also support cognitive function, memory, and a healthy immune system. This shows that boosting endorphins could also support one's general well-being.
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What Happens When The Body Has Low Levels of Endorphins?
When insufficient endorphins are being produced, one may have a higher risk of experiencing certain health symptoms or conditions. These include a higher risk of anxiety or depression, more pains and aches, addiction, moodiness, and sleeping troubles.
A study has also revealed that individuals who experience migraine also have low levels of beta-endorphins, which are the most well-studied endorphins, in the blood.
However, overall, research pertaining to the deficiency of endorphins remains scarce. This shows that the topic needs to be studied further.
How to Boost Endorphins
There are several ways that one can naturally boost and improve endorphins. For one, exercise, especially strength training and moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercises, can lead to an endorphin surge in the body. Such activities can also boost other chemicals in the body that can make one feel good, including dopamine, endocannabinoids, and serotonin.
Laughing can also lead to the release of endorphins and other hormones, including serotonin and dopamine. At the same time, laughter can also suppress cortisol, boost mood, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and pain, and support a healthier immune system
Listening to upbeat music can also boost mood by triggering the release of dopamine and endorphins. There are several studies that have shown that music can induce mild effects of pain relief through the release of endorphins. The incorporation of music therapy in hospital settings has also been seen to be effective and increasingly popular.
There is also evidence that shows that consuming dark chocolate could boost endorphins and other positive hormones. This food contains high levels of polyphenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, that may trigger the release of endorphins. Dark chocolate is also a moderate caffeine source and may also trigger a mood boost.
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