While women are the ones mostly focused on when it comes to fertility and alcohol, the latter can also affect male sexual health.
Too Much Alcohol Intake
The social use of alcohol is common all over the world. However, heavy drinking can lead to several negative health effects. A 2015 survey across the US discovered that almost 27% of those who are over 18 years old had reportedly binge-drank in the previous month.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), binge drinking among males refers to taking at least five drinks on a single occasion and within the span of 2 to 3 hours. For females, this number lowers down to drinking at least four drinks within the same timeframe.
Does Alcohol Affect Sperm?
When it comes to fertility, different female and male factors were reportedly identified in 35% of infertility cases. Studies have revealed that consistent and heavy drinking, or binge drinking, could negatively affect sperm. Binge drinking involves taking at least five drinks in a two-hour period.
Moreover, taking over 14 mixed drinks within a week could dampen levels of testosterone and affect the count of sperm.
Generally, among men, drinking too much can impact fertility in various ways. For one, it may shrink the testes, which can result in infertility or impotence. It may also dampen levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. Its dampening comes alongside elevating estrogen levels. This, in turn, could reduce the production of sperm.
Heavy drinking can also change the release of gonadotropin, which could also affect the production of sperm. It may also lead to decreased or early ejaculation. Too much drinking can also lead to changes in the movement, size, and shape of healthy sperm.
Aside from this, mixing alcohol with opioids and drugs could also decrease fertility. Moreover, liver disease due to too much drinking could also affect the quality of sperm.
While this is the case, such effects can actually be reversed. The study "Progressive alcohol-induced sperm alterations leading to spermatogenic arrest, which was reversed after alcohol withdrawal" found that it took three months for healthy sperm production to return after stopping the consumption of alcohol.
Boosting Male Fertility
When it comes to boosting fertility, a healthy lifestyle plays a vital role. Too much alcohol intake, anxiety, stress, stroking, and being overweight can all affect fertility and general health.
Interestingly, it has been found that adhering to a healthy Mediterranean diet could enhance the quality of sperm. This was especially observed among those who ate more seafood, healthy grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Moreover, in order to produce sperm that is healthy, it is generally recommended to maintain a weight that is healthy, manage stress, engage in physical activity, and prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
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