The Vampire Diaries Recap and Spoilers: A Bird in a Gilded Cage

Guys, I have something to say. I'm super into humanity right now. Like really, I like squats, McNuggets, Nutella and Mac and Cheese. In fact, I'm starting to feel guilt about things that I do literally just to hurt people, like buying all the cookies at Starbucks so that no one else can have them.

But let's get back to our recap:

The story picked up right where we left last week, except the fact that Caroline has now got a mob to clean the floors instead of her own clothes, which she used to clean the table in the last episode (re-watch the episode to know what I'm saying).

Plus, we also find out that she is a Perfectionist because when Enzo walks in the bar, she hands the mob over to Enzo to clean it. And also she just fooled him by saying that she wants to prepare for her audition (man, Enzo can be fooled really easily).

Right at the start of the episode, we Damon finds out that Stefan switched off his humanity. But we have to give Elena some credit here because she was the one who persuaded Damon to rescue mama Salvatore to bring back his brother Stefan because she is his "emotional trigger."

I highly doubt that they got the sarcasm part right were Elena was wondering about fashion when they were travelling back to 1903 to rescue Damon's mother, aka, the ripper who killed almost 3000 people. But anyways, I guess it is the 21st century, and so we have to let it go. I think that the jail inmates too might care about fashion.

In the mess going between Caroline and Stefan, I do think that it was definitely a tie between both of them. Stefan messed with her director, and then Caroline messed with his bike. But I still think that replacing Caroline and Stefan with a bunch of minions in that scene would've made it much funnier.

So, with the help of witches (that means Bonny), the gang travels back to 1903. And boom, bad timing. There was icefall and all of them froze to death. End of the Vampire Diaries.

Just kidding. They find mama Salvatore, and guess what, now she is not a Ripper!

Finally the whole gang brings Damon's mother back to 2015 and everything seemed cool. Damon and Elena decided to make out, but they both are interrupted by Bonny (probably because she didn't get enough making out time on the screen).

Remember Bonny was in the prison world? So she took a strolling trip to Nova Scotia and decided to bring back a little present for Damon. Can you fans guess what it is?

Lo and behold, it is the cure for vampirism! Though it wasn't found in 1994, it is a different cure for vampirism. Damon wanted it for Elena. But now that he thinks Elena is a happy, healthy vampire, here's the million dollar question - Who will be getting that cure?

I would give that to Caroline because she is becoming a headache for all the vampires. Who do you think should get the cure?

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