Ukrainian Troops Spotted Disk-Shaped UFO Hovering Over the Warzone

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not yet ended. However, Ukrainian troops were baffled after finding a disk-shaped UFO hovering over the warzone.

UFO Hovering Over the Warzone

The Ukranian 406th Battalion took the unsettling video last month using one of the more than 300 "heat vision" quadcopter drones that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) have been using to protect the country from Russia's invasion, which has been going on for two years.

"What the f-[expletive] is this? Why isn't it moving?" the men can be heard while watching the unidentified flying object (UFO) calmly hovering in the area.

The drone's height suggests that the apparent object might be a huge craft more than 30 miles away, while the object's size, altitude, and shape are yet unknown. According to the thermal-imaging drone's temperature range, the UFO appeared warmer than its surroundings. However, specialists claimed that important facts are still unknown because of a red "error message" on the drone's control interface.

This occurrence is simply the most recent UFO case over the war-torn territory of Ukraine, adding credence to military witnesses' accounts of seeing UFOs deactivate nuclear weapons and igniting decades of conjecture about the potential purpose of the aerial mysteries.

As per the troops, the UFO was stationary. However, one 406th soldier claimed it was "a UFO, for sure." The conversation was in Ukrainian and was translated and verified by multiple translators.

One member of the 406th can be heard, presumably joking, that they could "maybe ram it" with their little, two-pound quadcopter in the last seconds of the video.

UAP or UFO Can Be 'Unfriendly' Advanced Technology

In the past years, there have been numerous sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), now known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). However, there are speculations that UAPs can be a technological advancement from China.

Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, the longest-serving associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA, stated he is certain that something is out there after reviewing several documents and speaking with witnesses. He maintained that it is imperative to consider the chance that China is orchestrating the UAP sightings.

He emphasized that we must not ignore the spy balloon phenomenon since doing so will leave us rudely taken aback. The UFO expert left NASA to head to ETH Zurich in his home country, Switzerland. Before leaving, he studied UFO sighting data carefully, including a 1952 photo of an encounter over Passaic, New Jersey.

In addition to pilots, Zurbuchen said he had interacted with civilians who had sightings, and they were thoroughly convinced of it. He didn't think they were lying or making stuff up. He firmly believed they were telling him what they observed.

The occurrence of unexplainable phenomena didn't disturb him. More research is needed to find out what they are, what they mean, and how we could prove their existence. There might be a few explanations. He went on to say that depending on how we view technology, it might not be friendly. It may employ technology from planets other than Earth, which would be frightening.

It could also be a rare and exciting natural phenomenon, such as luminous clouds or something we've never seen before. Or they may be just camera issues.

Check out more news and information on UAP in Science Times.

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