Couples Who Work Out Together Are More Likely To Stay Fit

We knew that having a workout partner improves our chances of staying fit and being punctual. But according to a recent study, having a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or a husband train with you can actually prove to be a better solution.

In the study, the researchers analyzed over 3,700 couples who were over the age of 50 and were either married or living together. The research started in 2002 which was collected every few years in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. The research team kept an eye on the habits that the couples developed and evolved over the years.

The results were striking. Almost 70 percent of the participants started exercising on a regular basis when they worked out with a romantic partner. It is almost more than the double of the percent of men and women who manage to get active alone, which is 26 percent and 24 percent respectively.

The same bonus applies when it comes to weight loss. 26 percent of men and 36 percent of women who were dieting either with their girlfriend, boyfriend or a spouse, were actually able to lose weight. While on the other hand, only 15 percent or less of both genders did it by themselves.

The same bonus applies when one is trying to quit smoking.

According to Elite Daily, Jane Wardle, the study author told Reuters "Of course we weren't studying 'why', only 'whether', but I would speculate that social support and sharing the problem would be good. Maybe there might also be an element of competition."

There might be an emotional support when a couple starts to work out. Also, both the partners might start noticing each other's body transformation which might bring them closer and nourish their relationships.

It is called the Community Effect. When your partner is resisting their urge to each chocolate and desserts, it makes easier for you to do that too.

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