The majority of young children are able to learn incredible amounts of knowledge and languages during their early years.
Chicken are undoubtedly quick to pick up new skills while learning how they can navigate a world that appears new and strange to them.
Kids Learn Fast
Debbie Ravenscroft, a senior early childhood studies lecturer from the University of Chester, said that it is common to think that children are like sponges and that they can magically learn skills faster than adults. However, this thinking actually has some misconceptions.
Ravenscroft explained that the cognitive development of a child is age-related. Children also naturally perform worse in certain areas compared to others who are older than them.
However, there are instances where their youth could be an advantage. This tends to cluster during their earliest years.
Neuroplasticity of a Child's Brain
Such an advantage is mainly because of neuroplasticity, which is the capacity of the brain to form and alter connections, wirings, and pathways based on experiences. This capacity provides children the ability to learn or unlearn routines, habits, actions, and approaches quickly.
Neuroplasticity is most rapid and constant before a child turns five years of age. This is when the majority of what they face is novel.
The Ability to Learn Fast
Ravenscroft said that the capacity to quickly learn is linked to several areas, such as plasticity, experiences with adults, biological drive for exploration, and their environment.
In particular, language acquisition is an area where children are more advantageous compared to adults. This is mainly due to how babies can tune in to sounds and rhythms that are used in their native language. Because of this, these children can become fluent and competent speakers when they turn four years old.
Such an ability also helps young children learn a second or even third language easily.
Researchers of a 2022 study suggest that infants are born hearing and seeing linguistic data that adults and older children miss. However, they end up losing this ability as they gain more environmental experience.
On top of this, infants are capable of discriminating between speech tones and sounds that are used in all languages of the world. This makes them open to input, irrespective of their native linguistic environment.
Time is a crucial variable when it comes to language acquisition. For instance, if a child does not get exposed to some sound aspects of language when they hit puberty, it would become impossible for them to discriminate against this.
According to studies, from birth up until puberty, children can rapidly and effectively learn language due to neuroplasticity and cognitive flexibility. The latter refers to the mental ability to rapidly switch between two different ideas or concepts. It also refers to being able to think clearly about different things simultaneously.
For other non-language skills, another 2022 study claims that adults and children show differences in GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). The study suggests that this stabilizes newly learned material.
The researchers of this study discovered that children have a rapid GABA boost when they join visual training. This learning also persists even after the conclusion of the training.
For adults, GABA concentrations stay unchanged.
Such findings suggest that the brains of children respond to training in a manner that enables them to be more efficient and quick in stabilizing new learning. The study also supports the notion that children can learn new skills and knowledge faster compared to adults.
However, for children to learn, they need guidance, support, and access to proper learning materials.
Ravenscroft explained that the best time for a child to learn would be as early as possible. Simply reading to a baby could do wonders by offering a bonding experience on top of ensuring early brain connections and offering a love language.
Ravenscroft also stressed that for children, birth to five years of age is a critical period. During these years, the brian of a child is much busier compared to that of an adult. This is due to how the child continues to learn and find the best way to move through any situation.
Hence, the ability of a child to learn and understand is associated with such interactions.
Ravenscroft also shared that an environment that could foster a child's learning pace could offer much opportunity for the child to end up loving interactions with places and people. This could also enable them to engage in active learning.
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