Elon Musk Claims He Is an Alien; AI Chatbot Gemini Says This About Likelihood of SpaceX CEO Being ET

Elon Musk could be an alien due to two factors -- his visionary ideas and eccentricity -- according to AI chatbot Gemini.

Elon Musk Claims He's An Alien and Gemini Thinks So Too

During the worldwide summit for technological start-ups, Musk claimed that he was an extraterrestrial. While speaking at VivaTech in Paris, France, the SpaceX and Tesla CEO claimed he was an alien.

"I am an alien - yes, I keep telling people I'm an alien. But nobody believes me," the 52-year-old billionaire said with a laugh.

He also added that artificial intelligence (AI) posed more threat to humans than ETs. He even predicted that bots would wipe out every job on our planet.

Daily Star turned to Google's artificial intelligence tool Gemini to know the AI chatbot's thoughts on whether Musk might indeed be from another planet,

While not dismissing the idea completely, the bot admitted two factors that suggest Musk may be from a distant planet.

Gemini said it was entertaining to consider that someone as intelligent as Elon Musk could be extraterrestrial. It went on to say that because of his "visionary ideas," some individuals would believe Musk to be an alien.

Musk's businesses develop cutting-edge ideas like brain-computer interfacing and Mars colonization. His aspirations may give rise to the notion that his thought process is "otherworldly."

Additionally, Gemini added that his "eccentricity" only fueled his "alien feel." Musk is renowned for his outlandish demeanor and audacious statements, which may fuel more conjecture.

The "unusual combination of factors" surrounding Musk might be tempting enough to consider him as an extraterrestrial. However, overall, there are still low chances that he's another being other than a human.

"The real likelihood of him, or anyone else for that matter, being an alien is extremely low based on our current knowledge," Gemini concluded.

Why We Still Don't Encounter Aliens or Extraterrestrials?

For decades, there have been hundreds of reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and alleged aliens. However, no solid evidence exists that we have already encountered them.

There are several reasons for this. One theory is the great filter. One study suggests that AI may have played a great filter.

According to some, the Great Filter prevents technology species from developing into multi-planetary ones. A single-home species is more vulnerable to extinction or stagnation, which makes this an issue. According to Michael Garrett of the University of Manchester's Department of Physics and Astronomy, a species lacking a backup world is running out of time.

Meanwhile, a morbid theory from Dr. Frederick Walter suggests that aliens may no longer exist. He speculates that the gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) may have already wiped out their civilization.

Gamma-ray bursts are "the most powerful class of explosions in the universe." A typical burst produces one quintillion times the light as the Sun, or one plus nineteen zeros. Its energy can destroy any extraterrestrial civilization inside its galaxy.

Check out more news and information on Aliens in Science Times.

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