48-Foot Sea Monster With Large Human-Like Head That Washed Ashore on Cornwall Reportedly Groaned Before It Died [Report]

A new report has resurfaced the story of the 48-foot sea monster with a big head like that of a human discovered decades ago.

Giant Sea Monster With Human-Like Head

There are rumors about a 20-foot-long, serpentine-like creature with dark skin, lengthened neck, and humps along its spine have been circulating for years off the coast of Cornwall. Nobody who has seen it knows its name, and no creature resembling it has ever been documented or encountered in this realm.

A new report of the startling discovery from Sept. 14, 1786, has recently been unveiled, reliving the terrifying experience centuries ago. By October of that year, the terrifying sighting had spread as far as the Hereford Journal, where a Cornishman related how the townsfolk had gone medieval on the unexplained creature.

The new report described the bizarre creature originally dubbed the "Sea Monster" in detail. It was reportedly 48 feet long, and the largest section of its body had a circumference measuring 24 feet and a half.

It had a big, human-like head that was spiky in the back. From its neck to its navel, it most resembled humans. Its eyes were greenish, its mouth was big, and its nose was flat.

Its back was tough and more complex to break through than a turtle's shell. Its hindquarters measured seven feet wide and a mere five feet long. It had two short forefeets, and it was shaped like a monkey's paw.

Two boys found the mysterious creature while scouting the coast of Cornwall. The weather wasn't good, and the winds were violent for several days, damaging the neighborhood when the sea creature was found on the beach.

They were terrified, so they approached others. When the people checked the "sea monster," it reportedly raised its head and directed its course toward them.

It reportedly crawled, and the locals were baffled. Some turned their backs, and when the rest agreed to examine it, some locals reportedly beat and stabbed it, and it "expired with a groan."

"No one that has seen it knows its name, nor has any monster like it ever been described in record, or come within the knowledge of this kingdom," the report added.

Different Theories About the Mysterious Sea Monster

The strange creature sparked various theories. One theory suggests that it was probably a plesiosaur, which went extinct 65 million years ago. However, there were claims of sightings in Gerrans Bay 140 years ago.

Harold T. Wilkins and a companion claimed to have seen "two remarkable saurians, 15-20ft long, just like a pair of Mesozoic plesiosaur" in a Cornwall tidal creek. John Holmes, a former employee of the Natural History Museum, also asserted to have captured the curious reptile on camera in 2002. The video, which was captured in Gerrans Bay, near the Roseland Peninsula, three years prior, was made public.

According to Holmes, it was a living fossil. He believes a subspecies of Plesiosaurs lives in the world's waters. Sea serpent sightings have been reported all around Britain, he added.

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