cat licking
(Photo : Pexels / Cats Coming)

Some creatures showcase exemplary practices when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness.

There are even some of them that are not just good at personal hygiene but may also contribute to the cleanliness of the environment that surrounds them.

World's Cleanest Animals


Though pigs may not be the first animals to come to mind when it comes to cleanliness, they are actually hygienic animals. These animals are meticulous in keeping their appearance spotless. This is thanks to various factors.

For one, these swine have an intrinsic desire to keep their environment sanitary. Pigs have been observed to make unique territories for sleeping, eating, and pooping.

Such an instinct has been carried over to domesticated pigs. These pigs tend to choose a specific pooping area, which is typically far from where they sleep or eat.

This behavior allows them to keep their living space organized and clean.

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Domesticated Cats

Cats have exceptional grooming behavior. They are meticulous when it comes to licking their fur to keep themselves clean.

The tongues of cats actually have minute spines called papillae. These are capable of transferring large amounts of saliva from the mouth all the way to their fur. They also aid in removing dirt, debris, and even loose hair.

Such behavior has several purposes. These include temperature control, cleanliness, and stress relief.

Their tidiness is likely due to how intensely they dislike filth. By instinct, they tend to avoid soiling living areas. They also usually keep their waste buried inside a litter box.

This is actually cats' natural mechanism that enables them to escape being preyed on by wild predators.

These creatures also have distinct scent glands that can be found on their tails, paws, and cheeks. They make use of such glands to make their mark on their territory by rubbing themselves against certain objects.

Such scent-marking behavior aids them in establishing an environment that is safe, clean, and potentially threat-free.


Songbirds have a great inclination for self-care and grooming. This can be observed in some of their interesting adaptations as well as their daily routine.

Each day, these birds spend some significant time engaging in preening, which involves using their beaks for cleaning and straightening their feathers. Doing so enables them to remove parasites, dirt, and other particles.

These birds also have a distinct gland, known as the uropygial gland, that is close to their tail's base. This gland works on oil production. The oil is then spread to cover the feathers of the bird.

The oil does not just keep their plumage waterproof and sleek. It also serves to protect against harmful microbes.

The cleanliness of such songbirds is deeply linked to their survival. Having a plumage that is well-maintained and clean allows them to fly efficiently, attract possible mates, and even avoid predators.

Polar Bears

Polar bears also have characteristics and characters that make them one of the planet's cleanest animals. One of the primary reasons for this is the area that they live in.

These bears roam around the Arctic, which is known to have pristine conditions and cold temperatures. Ice and snow fill the landscape, offering an environment that is naturally pure and clean.

Because of this, polar bears dwell in habitats that stay clean inherently.

Polar bears also prefer keeping clean since it could help their fur's insulating properties. When fur is matted, wet, or dirty, it is not good for insulation. Polar bears usually wash themselves, either by swimming or rolling on snow, after feeding.

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