The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies by Dr. Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies by Dr. Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis

According to the National Cancer Institute, about 2 million people in the US will be diagnosed with cancer in 2024, and over 600,000 of them will die this year. Millions of people worldwide also die from heart disease every year, as per the World Health Organization. Scientists also haven't found a cure for heart disease and cancer. Treatment is available, but there's no guarantee they will work. Some people resort to alternative medicine to prevent or cure cancer, so it's no surprise why Nicole Apelian's book called The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies took the world by storm.

'The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies': What Is It About?

You might ask, why is this book so popular, even on TikTok? Thousands of people have purchased the book, and on Amazon, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies has almost 20,000 reviews. So, what is The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies about, and why is it so popular? Continue reading to learn more.

Written by Nicole Apelian, a biologist and herbalist, the book covers about 181 healing plants and 550+ powerful natural remedies. With its medicinal herbal reference guide, readers can easily check their medical condition and find out which herbs can heal them. It also talks about the natural protocol Dr. Nicole recommends for various auto-immune conditions. The good thing about the book is that it's written for people with little to no knowledge about plants. You don't need experience or knowledge about how plants work or what to do with herbs; the book describes it in detail, including a guide on how to make a powerful extract.

Why the Book Is So Popular

When you visit a drugstore for body pains, the pharmacist will recommend you purchase pain relievers to alleviate pain. Doctors may advise the same and may not be able to treat the underlying cause of your pain. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies aims to treat the root cause of the disease naturally through plants. The extract recommended can also strengthen your body's ability to repair itself. With this promise, who doesn't want to pick up the book and read about how plants can help? Anyway, there's no harm in trying. And you'll be using plants, anyway, which is safer, right?

If you or a loved one has cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, we wouldn't be surprised if the book will also compel you to go to Amazon. Because, after all, we all want to be healed from our illness, whatever that is.

Nicole Apelian Credentials

The author's credentials are another reason the book is so popular. Nicole Apelian isn't just someone who decided to Google herbal remedies and write a book. With her impressive qualifications, she is well-suited to author a comprehensive guide on herbal remedies.

According to Amazon, Nicole graduated with a degree in Biology from McGill University in Canada, followed by a master's degree in Ecology at another university. She also obtained a doctorate degree while working as an ethnobotanist and anthropologist. Additionally, Nicole is a survival skills instructor and an herbalist. She also wrote another book called A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature: Outdoor Preparation and Remedies. As you can see, she has a strong background in the field, which means the information mentioned in her book could be true.

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies allows you to uncover the most effective natural antibiotics right in your backyard. If the information in the book holds true, individuals may no longer need to spend thousands of dollars on medications or consultations. So, what's our advice? 

While there's probably no harm in reading the book and learning how to make herbal extracts, we recommend that you still see your physician and have regular consultations. Never take chances when it comes to your health; alternative medicine can be beneficial, but it's still highly advised to speak with your doctor regarding diagnosis and treatment.