How to Be More Attractive: Be a Nonconformist

According to new research from Australia, the more nonconformist you are the more you will attract people of the opposite sex. Because nonconformist possess a certain rebellious charm, they are really obscure and inspire some sexual appeal in men and women.

A research team led by Matthew Hornsey, a psychologist of University of Queensland reported "Nonconformity is more attractive than conformity for women and men. People think that men prefer conformist women, but this impression is discrepant from reality.

The research was a combination of 5 studies. In one, 115 undergraduate students were asked to rate 20 people's profile depending on how they find these profiles attractive and how the opposite sex will respond to them. The profiles given to the students were customized to either infer conformity with articulations like "She is quite happy to go along with what others are doing," or nonconformity with proclamations, like, "She often does her own thing rather than fit in with the group."

An article published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by the researchers reports that both sexes preferred partners who are nonconformist. But in the case of women they overestimate the extent to which men favour conformist partners. The researchers think that this may be due to mindset when "women were expected to be submissive, modest, subdued, agreeable."

In another study 111 students were tested and the researchers found that "participants ostensibly in a small-group interaction showed preferences for nonconformist opposite-sex targets, a pattern that was particularly evident when men evaluated women." Another recent study found that men are less fascinated towards female war heroes.

With proof of nonconformist people being more sexual it is interesting to see why people spend a lot imitating others. So next time on a date, be a nonconformist person rather than impersonating others.

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