Dr. Glen Swartwout has achieved clinical breakthroughs, bringing vision rehabilitation to Asia and integrating advances from Oriental and European Medicine. For 40 years, he has helped clients reverse blindness and complex health challenges otherwise considered irreversible. As a magna cum laude Dartmouth graduate with honors in chemistry and environmental sciences, he also studied biology, physics, psychology, and engineering.
While training as an eye doctor, Dr. Glen learned he would go blind by age 50 unless he discovered and healed the underlying causes of blindness. After eight years of intensive research and clinical application, his glaucoma was healed. His methods have helped thousands achieve clinical breakthroughs with challenging eye, brain, and body issues. As a thought leader in medicine, he is featured in Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, and he co-authored Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia.
Dr. Glen points to a new paradigm to solve the unanswered questions in standard scientific models. He provides the first solution to the hard problem of consciousness in his Clinical Theory of Everything. Symptoms and diagnoses are seen as effects of deeper individual causes that can be uncovered and cleared, layer by layer, like an archaeological dig.
The conscious minds of doctors and patients can only process 100 to 400 bits of information per second, so analyzing a case with linear reasoning is overwhelming. The body's information processing capacity handles 20 to 40 million bits per second. This innate intelligence constantly monitors the healing needs of the body, so a prioritized plan is already underway.
When an essential healing resource is missing, whether material, energetic, or informational, there is a loss of coherence in the biofield, the body's energy field. The presence of the required resource restores a state of coherence. When coherence is maintained by daily administration of the matching remedies, Accelerated Self Healing can reverse a year of degeneration in one month.
Supported healing processes are completed rapidly. The body's vital force establishes new priorities for healing the next deeper issues. This retracing process completes unfinished healing from the past.
About two-thirds of the cellular damage associated with aging and degeneration is caused by oxidation, a loss of electrons. About one-third is typically related to glycation, where sugar attaches to proteins, fatty acids, and DNA. An abundant supply of electrons is crucial for restoring cellular energy functions. Restoring the regulation of sugar metabolism is key for regeneration.
Releasing the present and past impacts of psycho-emotional stress and trauma is also essential. Half of the toxins deposited in tissues are metabolites of stress hormones and neurotransmitters. The other half is a combination of toxins from the gut and environmental toxins.
Albert Einstein foresaw that "future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." People tend to think of the body as merely a material organism, somehow separate from its energy fields and their information content. Einstein's successor as a thought leader in physics, David Bohm, said, "All matter is frozen light." Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi described how "every vitamin, mineral, enzyme, and hormone responds to specific frequencies of light by changing its functional activity about 500%." Every chemical reaction in the body requires a specific quantum of activation energy to proceed.
Connective tissue is the home of every cell in the body. Collagen fibers in the extracellular space link with microtubules of the cytoskeleton inside the cells. Together, they function as a fiber optic communication network for photo-energetic biocommunication. Because this network is also piezoelectric, it transmits signals both as electromagnetic and sound waves.
The pattern of sound frequencies in the voice can be analyzed to listen to the body's internal communications. This can assess the active healing processes in seconds. Healing frequencies can be applied in water or as biofeedback to release related stress patterns.
This information medicine is based on electromagnetic frequencies that deliver specific quantum energies to trigger cascading physiological effects. Meaningful bioinformation can heal epigenetic patterns, even when they have been active for generations.
One example of the power of epigenetics is the documented case of a set of identical twin sisters. They inherited the genes for Retinitis Pigmentosa, a blinding eye disease that is 100% genetic. In childhood, there is normal vision, but in adulthood, the disease genes dominate as the childhood genes of normal vision turn off. In this case, however, one of the sisters maintained normal vision throughout her life, with the normal vision genes staying epigenetically active. Disease genes can now be turned off, and healthy genes can be activated with frequency-based medicine.
Additionally, people need material medicine. Natural remedies supply phytonutrients, active coenzyme vitamins, and bioavailable minerals. These deliver the precise frequencies and information that genetics have always relied on. In contrast, synthetic compounds never existed in genetic history. They are usually toxic and manage symptoms by suppressing already stressed healing pathways.
For example, aspirin decreases head pain but increases future headaches and the risk of blindness from Wet Macular Degeneration. There is an alternative. Identify a natural remedy that optimizes the immune system's attempts to cleanse the tissues in the head, thereby clearing the root cause.
Dr. Glen will present his Clinical Theory of Everything at the Society for Scientific Exploration's 42nd annual conference from September 27 to 29, 2024. He also invites those interested in learning more about applications for healing to join his online community.