Vladimirovich Iurchenko
(Photo : Vladimirovich Iurchenko)

In 2020, the United States became the world leader in the Attractiveness Index as "the most attractive country for investment in renewable energy." For example, Great Britain, where a lot of different environmental initiatives are taken at the national level, takes only sixth place in this list. Igor Vladimirovich Iurchenko, a power engineer, shares his own opinion on the measures being taken in the USA to develop alternative wind and solar energy. He presented a detailed report on this topic at the end of April 2023 during the international conference II Research Forum 2023.

Iurchenko Igor Vladimirovich

The opinion of such a highly professional expert as Igor Vladimirovich Iurchenko is very difficult to overestimate. He is one of the leading experts in the field of development, construction, and commissioning of the largest energy facilities in the European and Far Eastern parts of the Eurasian continent. So, in the list of achievements of Igor Vladimirovich, it is worth mentioning the following prizes and awards:

  • Construction and launches of the following:
    • 12 hydroelectric power plants;
    • 2 geothermal power plants;
    • a number of CHPPs, TPPs, CCGTs;
  • Participation in the development of a feasibility study for the world's largest Tugur tidal power plant with a capacity of 12 MW (Megawatts) in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • Construction of high power transmission lines, which connect the European and Asian energy systems.

Igor Iurchenko took part in various projects, where he was repeatedly invited as a scientific consultant and a recognized expert in the field of energy. He is the author of 12 scientific articles and a repeated participant in international scientific-related conferences, one of which was the II Research Forum 2023, where he was awarded a diploma of the first degree for a report on modern measures to support wind and solar energy in the United States of America. He is also a member and an expert in three associations to which only world-renowned specialists are invited.

Igor Vladimirovich Iurchenko is a power engineer, a candidate of economic sciences, an honorary hydropower engineer, and an honored employee of the country's unified energetic system.

The System of Measures for Supporting Wind-Solar Energy in the United States

We should return to the article that Igor Iurchenko presented during the II Research Forum 2023 conference. It is worth mentioning the importance of the analytics presented in it for an overall understanding of all the prospects for the development of the US energy sector.

Nowadays, wind and solar power plants are granted increased attention in the United States. It is one of the most promising industries on which the country's industrial growth is built, the involvement of intellectually developed young people (promising jobs), and the development and implementation of new advanced world technologies. The future of the energy industry and its system security throughout North America depends on it. Along with high power performance, wind-solar energy is economically and environmentally efficient.

The US energy system is built in such a way that it is easy to connect any source of electricity to it, regardless of their capacity. So, small energy companies can join the unified system without any special difficulties. It is how the development of the infrastructure of individual land areas gets implemented, regardless of their remoteness.

The government has taken the following direct measures to develop the industry: direct subsidies, tax incentives and deductions, grants, and other preferences.

The System of Measures for Supporting Wind-Solar Energy in the United States
(Photo : Wallpaper Flare)

Advantages of Wind-Solar Energy and Its Prospects

There are two main advantages: lower production costs compared to traditional energy sources (thermal, hydro, nuclear power plants, and power plants on internal combustion engines) and improved ecology. Thanks to them, many governmental institutions in the country are interested in the attractiveness of investment in this sphere. There are many initiatives being taken in the USA in order to increase the availability of wind and solar installations and increase investment in this industry.

"In order to increase activity and accelerate the development processes of this particular energy sector in this direction, it is essential for the government to work out in detail all systemic measures and benefits, determine scenarios for economic growth, ensure the entry of promising energy companies and investors into the market, involve private individuals in these processes, including average citizens. The experience of the United States of America is one of the most successful examples of the intensive development of wind and solar energy, the relevance of which is due to the lack of capacity at peak loads, the disruption of the power system of entire cities and regions in the event of accidents, natural disasters, and environmental goals." © Igor Iurchenko

The Main Features of the Wind-Solar Energy Market in the USA

The rapid development and general interest of the state in the development of solar and wind power plants in the United States of America is difficult not to notice. In 2021 alone, the overall capacity of solar stations has been increased by 26%. It exceeded the mark of 96 gigawatts. And if, at that time, the total capacity generated by wind-solar power plants took a share of approximately 11% in the total system, then according to expert forecasts, it will reach 62.9% by 2050m, which means it will become prevalent.

The Main Features of the Wind-Solar Energy Market in the USA
(Photo : Laela Sequoia on Unsplash)

Support Measures

The American system of support measures is based on the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan by 2025, which establishes provisions that require the introduction of renewable energy sources, increase the overall level of energy efficiency in the current system, as well as cooperation between companies and the state to jointly achieve environmental goals.

Today, the US implements the following measures in order to support wind and solar energy for manufacturers:

  • Tax deductions and tax incentives for individuals and companies;
  • Concessional lending;
  • Targeted grants (including for scientific developments) and other financial incentives;
  • Participation of the state in attracting investments and financing the industry;
  • Monitoring the process of implementation of the regulations on renewable energy sources by the state;
  • Obligations to buy surplus energy from utility companies from independent producers.

The following measures have also been taken: providing low-income families with alternative energy sources and introducing a so-called "feed-in tariff" for buying surplus energy from small producers.

Support Measures
(Photo : Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash)


"Nowadays, the questions regarding the process of development of wind and solar energy are gaining a special perspective, since it permits to reduce production costs and improve the environmental situation in the country. Many governmental institutions are interested in ensuring the investment attractiveness of wind and solar energy projects, in this regard, they form investment programs focused on volume investments for the development of technologies, increase the availability of wind and solar installations, and introduce tax incentives and preferences." © Iurchenko Igor

Igor Vladimirovich Iurchenko intends to implement his accumulated long-term experience in the development, construction, and launch of energy facilities, including wind and solar power plants, in the United States of America. We should not forget that the United States is the recognized world leader in this field. Given the prospects for further development of the industry in North America, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the skills and professional qualities of such specialists as Igor Iurchenko will be in high demand in the United States for at least the next few decades.