Why It's So Difficult to Lose Weight: The Biological Explanation Behind Obesity

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The Biology of Obesity: Why Keeping Weight Off Is So Hard

Obesity has been defined as a global epidemic by the World Health Organization. In almost every region of the world, the number of obese people is more than the number of undernourished people, except parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. But why is this happening? Why is it so hard to maintain a normal weight, especially after weight loss? This article lets us find out.

Why Is the World Getting Fat?

Physical activity consumed by urbanization and technological progress in human life has been decreasing. It also includes changing eating habits, which have also been quickened by globalization so that it is easy to access more high-calorie, nutritionally poor foods. Psychological and social factors influence overeating as well, including stress, depression, advertising, and easy access to fast food.

Defining Overweight

It's easy to determine if you're overweight, and you can do it at home. This means you need to work out your own BMI. This index is calculated with a simple formula: i.e., your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. If you have a BMI above 25, you are overweight; above 30, you are obese.

Why should you know your BMI? For starters, it will keep you from overestimating your weight yourself. A large number of people (in particular younger women) tend to overestimate their weight condition, asserting that they are obese when actually they are not. Secondly, compare your BMI to regular statistical values. For example, if your BMI is 25, you are already at risk of being obese, and you start to prevent it.

Why Is It So Hard to Remain in Control of Our Weight?

Successful weight management requires long-term lifestyle changes and continuous monitoring. People struggle to control their weight after losing weight for a variety of reasons:

  • Slow metabolism: Once you lose weight, the body begins to conserve energy, which means your metabolic rate will go down;
  • Hormonal changes: Hormones like ghrelin (a hunger hormone) are raised, and so we become hungrier;
  • Difficulty maintaining new habits: Sticking to strict diet and exercise routines year after year is mentally challenging;
  • Social pressure and food availability: Foods high in calories are easily accessible and lead people to snap back into old habits.

    Can Weight Loss Drugs Help?

    The main approach to weight loss is to eat well and engage in more physical activity. However, only about 5% of obese people can achieve positive results and maintain them without the use of special weight loss products. Slimming preparations differ in their mechanism of action on the body, but they are all intended to solve the following problems:

    • Improve the effects of diet and exercise;
    • Help you lose weight effectively;
    • Prevent the regain of lost pounds;
    • Improve metabolic rates;
    • Establish a long-term commitment to healthy eating and a new lifestyle;
    • Encourage the person to lose weight to succeed.

    Some previously used medications have been discontinued. Today's weight loss medications are guaranteed to have a known mechanism of action and be safe. One such medication is now called Compounded Semaglutide. Clicking on the link will take you to a website that offers a weight loss program based on Semaglutide, a medication that can help users lose up to 15% of their body weight. The Able app provides access to clinicians and health coaches without the need for insurance approval or in-person appointments. The plan is subscription-based, starting at ($79) $20 per month, and includes ongoing support and guidance to ensure long-term results. The program is easy to use and focuses on long-term weight management.

    Does Sport Help?

    Going to the gym is beneficial to your overall health, not just for weight loss. Exercise will help you fight against excess weight, and it also has the following benefits:

    • Strengthen the cardiovascular system;
    • Prevent musculoskeletal diseases;
    • Strengthen the diaphragm;
    • Increase endurance;
    • Promote proper metabolism;
    • Boost the immune system.

    Refusing to exercise after losing weight is simply unacceptable. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain your weight. Choose and practice your preferred sport. If you are experienced, take it home or simply jog in the morning. This is an opportunity to stay fit and improve the contours of your body, making it taut and attractive. After all, no amount of dietary changes can alleviate sagging abdominal skin. It is frequently the result of rapid weight loss. Massage and scrubbing should also be used in conjunction with the exercise complex.


    Maintaining a normal weight after weight loss is a difficult task due to a variety of factors, but a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition, physical activity, the use of medications, and special weight loss programs can help to maintain the results obtained and is guaranteed to improve overall health.

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