April Fools! Here Are Some of the Best Pranks Pulled Last Year

It's April 1st, 2015 and no doubt the pranks will be better this year than ever before. Almost every country in the world celebrates April 1st as a day to really pull one over on friends and family. Last year was spectacular in that some of the pranks pulled off by individuals, family groups, and even large corporations made it to YouTube and other sites for the rest of the world to see.

A good example of a great April Fools spoof by a large corporation in 2014 was Google's fake job posting claiming to look for the world's greatest Pokemon Master. The posting stated that Google would be hiring the best Pokemon Master in the world and in order to qualify those who wished to be considered would have to utilize Google Maps to locate all of the wild Pokemon in the world.

The job posting was, of course, a spoof, but Google did play along by adding a mini-game to Google Maps, according to The Telegraph. The game incorporated 150 Pokemon into the Google Maps app and allowed users until April 2nd to find them all.

There are literally thousands of websites with suggestions for how to get your friends during the festivities today. Mashable has some great suggestions that include scraping the cream off of Oreo cookies and replacing it with white toothpaste. Another popular one is to insert mustard into hollow chocolate Easter candies and distribute them to your friends.

While millions of people around the world will be covering cotton balls with chocolate candy, dipping onions in caramel and passing them off as candied apples and altering the signs on public bathrooms, there are millions more who will fall victim to these pranks. No doubt, April Fools Day is the one day each year where you can do almost anything and get away with it, as long as you don't actually hurt someone or damage their property.

It is important to remember as you prepare to prank your friends that no doubt, they are also determined to get you as well. Be sure you don't allow the fun and games to lead to injury or property damage. Above all, make sure your pranks are the most successful, and be careful not to fall victim to PlayDoh fashioned to look like chewing gum.

What will you be doing to prank your friends today? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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