Arrow Recap and Spoiler News: Death of a Major Character Ahead

If you've been sincerely following 'Arrow' for the past few weeks, you know that the writers and cast havebeen giving a lot of teasers in the episodes. But today we've got something interesting for you. We recently came to know that by the end of season 3, the show will be completely changed from its roots. And this is not just us vaguely speaking on the rumor, the CW crew and cast members have said as much as well.

In last week's episode, we saw that Captain Lance arrested Oliver Queen for being the arrow, but by the end of the episode, there was a shock. Roy Harper, aka, Arsenal showed up and claimed that he is the real arrow and turned himself in, freeing Oliver Queen.

This can mean a lot of things, and it is speculated that we will be seeing the death of a major character in the next episode. Our guess is that Harper will be that character, and the League of Assassins would kill him for portraying as the Arrow.

We will also be seeing the first meta-human villain in the next week's episode, Deathbolt who will be wrecking havoc in Starling City. And the absence of Arsenal will force Arrow and the ATOM to team up. The promo video also briefly shows that Felicity will be nudging over Oliver once again.

In the 'Broken Arrow' promo, we saw that it will be focusing more on the emotional side of the characters (come-on, they're humans too) more than anything else. Also, we have a feeling that Oliver and Felicity might hook up in that episode (Spoilers to all the Olicity fans out there). Also, we might see Oliver accepting the role as the Heir to the Demon, and that will completely change the Arrow series from its roots.

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