Time To Get Rid Of That Beer Belly, According To Study

A pot belly, beer belly, middle-aged spread or whatever they call it could be bad even if not overweight. A new study found that in comparison with overweight or obese individuals, people who carry fat around their tummies have a higher mortality risk.

Researchers analyzed and compared the total and cardiovascular risks of participants from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey with various body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio combination.

"If the waist is larger than your hips, you're at increased risk for disease," says obesity specialits from Washington University School of Medicine Samuel Klein.

An apple-shaped figure (fats concentrated on the abdominal area) is considered more dangerous than pear shape (fats settle on the hips and below). Waistlines greater than 40 inches in men and more than 35 inches in women pose a greater risk. However, physicians still consider body mass index over girth; after all, they are directly proportional.

Experts encourage that there is still a chance to do something about it. Co-author Francisco Lopez-Jimenez said that researchers really do not have a concrete proof on what exactly reduces fat in the area, but he strongly advises three essentials in the process.

First, choose a healthy diet like Mediterranean diet, avoiding processed food, eating meat in moderation and increasing vegetable, whole grain and nuts intake. Second, diet needs to be paired with regular cardio exercise. Earlier studies suggest that 50 minutes three times per week or 30 minutes six days a week is good.

It would also be best to add some weight, resistance or "anything that will help you improve your muscle mass," he said. "We are starting to think that muscle mass may have some protective effects to prevent heart attacks and diabetes." And lastly, to complete the list, indulge in relaxation like deep breathing and yoga.

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