Residing In High-Rise Buildings May Decrease Chances Of Heart Attack Survival, According To Study

While possibly enjoying a splendid overlooking view from atop, living in a penthouse may have some downsides. A new research suggests that people living within first to third floors are more likely to survive cardiac arrest than those living in high-rise buildings.

The latest research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggests that the higher the people resides, the lesser they are likely to survive heart attack. And those living beyond the 16th floor have no chance at all.

Scientists from St Michael's Hospital in Toronto analyzed data of nearly 8000 people who suffered from a heart attack from 2007 to 2012. Interestingly, they found that 4.2 percent survived for those living on the third floor and below compared with only 2.6 percent of those residing on higher floors.

Meanwhile, those staying beyond 16th floor had a 0.9 percent chance of survival, while of the 30 residents living above the 25th floor, there were no survivors.

The rationale behind accounts to the time it takes to get to the victim after the cardiac arrest. "Longer time from the arrival of 911-initiated first responders on scene to patient contact is one potential explanation for lower survival on the higher floors," the study authors suggest. The current study also reveals that for every minute of delay, there is an absolute decrease of survival of up to 7 to 10 percent.

The rampant construction of high-rise residential and commercial buildings to meet the demands for affordable living basically poses a disadvantage over community survival, according to the researchers. In Britain alone, the number of sky-rise flats increased from 338,000 in 2008 to 480,000 in 2013. This news may come unfavourable to those residing in high-rise buildings.

However, researchers suggest that survival rate might increase by reducing the response time. For instance, residents can improve chances of survival by installing defibrillators on each floor, lobby or inside elevators; providing exclusive access to lifts for emergency personnel and making sure to immediately notify the staff.

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