DESIGNThe Palestinian farmer was surprised after finding a large mosaic floor from the Byzantine era that may just be the first in a whole series of discoveries at the site. Read the article to learn more.
Solar panels are not only placed on rooftops anymore as some buildings are generating solar energy from all over their facades. Check out how scientists created colorful solar panels to make buildings more attractive.
The artificial intelligence (AI) movement is a subclass of computer vision algorithms and has dramatically increased over the years. Check out how AI has helped many artists today in creating a new form of artwork.
Researchers created the first perovskite solar cell that could compete with silicon-based cell performance and potentially redefine solar power technology. Read the article to learn more.
A new study reveals that early human ancestors likely engraved stone tablet art near the flickering light of a fire. Read on to learn the full details.
Can science really make our life easier? Sure, it is! Read more to know how to make things simple! Life can be challenging at times. Everyday tasks can become problematic, such as removing wrinkles from clothes or cleaning your favorite shoes without causing damage.
A snake in Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo along with other animals has created their own artwork that will be featured in an auction later this month. But do animals perceive art? Read the article to know more.
More evidence shows that electric cars can lead to fewer accidents and make the roads safer. This article explores four reasons why electric cars are safer than traditional vehicles.
Archaeologists unearthed a colorful Roman mosaic that has been the floor of a Roman dining room in a Roman mansio or an upmarket motel. See the photos here.
Scientists created a driving system for autonomous insect-sized robots with flapping wings that do not use conventional motors and gears for better environmental monitoring, and in search and rescue missions.
Researchers from MIT and Yale University have developed a theoretical framework with the help of bacteria to show how growing bodies respond to confined spaces.
What better way to train the critical thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers of the future than engaging them in some STEM activities. Here is a list of Christmas science experiments that parents can enjoy with their kids.
A massive hoard of Roman-era silver coins was found buried by a river in Augsburg, Germany. Archaeologists said that the youngest coin in the bunch was likely from the 3rd century.
Colorado School of Mines has teamed up with aerospace and defense leader Lockheed Martin to announce a global student design challenge open to all student teams coming from any accredited university worldwide.