The Dawn of Renewable Energy Revolution

The Dawn of Renewable Energy Revolution

As the world grapples with an escalating climate crisis, the race towards renewable energy solutions is well underway. We see daily headlines regarding oil shortages, fracking debates, potentials and limits of wind and tidal power, and a global shift towards electric vehicles.
What, Why, Where, and How: Science's Top 10 Great Unknowns

What, Why, Where, and How: Science's Top 10 Great Unknowns

There is still more to know about science that remains unknown today, ranging from the fundamental nature of the universe to the significance of dreams. Check out this article to know science's greatest unknown and its answers.

China, Russia Working Together for Nuclear Modernization? Land of the Dragon Establishes Strong Strategic System Amid Tension With Us [Report]

China is reportedly modernizing its nuclear weapon with the help of Russia. Read more. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/EDF Energy) China, Russia Working Together For Nuclear Modernization? Land of the Dragon Establishes Strong Strategic System Amid Tension With US [Report] China and Russia are reportedly both working on modernizing their nuclear program.
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