ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEClimate change poses risk to marine organisms within the ocean’s twilight zone resulting to reduced life forms in the next 150 years. Learn more about it in this article.
A new species of rare butterfly is named after Lord of the Rings villain Sauron due to its distinct appearance having black rings and bright orange wings. Learn more in this article.
Sharks and rays don't thrive in cold waters unlike teleosts fish. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Pterantula (Terry Goss) at en. Wikipedia) Sharks, Rays Have Few Options Than a Slow Lifestyle in Cold Waters, Study Says A scientist at the Research Center for Integrative Evolutionary Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), led the study about the cold environment's effects on massive sharks' lifestyles.
This last known female Yangtze giant softshell turtle was found in 2020. Just recently, it has died, posing a threat of extinction as only two living male turtles are left. Read to learn more.
Among the 60 tested beverage samples, plant-based milks and mixed-fruit juices were found to contain the highest levels of five toxic elements. Read to learn more.
A new geological study revises the age of the world's biggest raptor, adding 10 million years to previous records. Check it out in this article to learn more.
The new research tested the leading theory of the formation of continents on Earth. Read the article to learn the details of the study that debunks the theory.
The ancient doctor's recovered medical tool collection includes needles, scalpels, forceps, replaceable blades, pliers, and a grinding stone. Read to learn more.
An extremely rare white killer whale was filmed off the coast of California with the rest of its hunting pod. It was observed to have skin discoloration known as leucism which result from a genetic mutation. Read the article to learn more.
Australian assassin bugs enhance their ability to capture flies and ants through the rare phenomenon of tool use. Check out how insects and other animals use tools to their advantage.