ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe albino Indian cobra was rescued from where it was found and released to a forested area where it can thrive. Read to learn more.
A new geological study revises the age of the world's biggest raptor, adding 10 million years to previous records. Check it out in this article to learn more.
The new research tested the leading theory of the formation of continents on Earth. Read the article to learn the details of the study that debunks the theory.
The ancient doctor's recovered medical tool collection includes needles, scalpels, forceps, replaceable blades, pliers, and a grinding stone. Read to learn more.
An extremely rare white killer whale was filmed off the coast of California with the rest of its hunting pod. It was observed to have skin discoloration known as leucism which result from a genetic mutation. Read the article to learn more.
Australian assassin bugs enhance their ability to capture flies and ants through the rare phenomenon of tool use. Check out how insects and other animals use tools to their advantage.
A new parasite was retrieved a Greenland shark. Read to know the full story. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/NOAA Photo Library) Worm-Like Parasite Barnacles Retrieved From Female Greenland Shark's Cloaca Greenland sharks have a long lifespan.
With the spread of fungal infections and the fungi developing resistance to antifungals, the imminent global food security threat emerges. Read to learn more.
Meet the "tadpole from hell," a 330-million-year-old species that shed light on the evolution of tetrapods. Check out in this article how the reconstruction of its fossils helped scientists identify it.
Researchers from the Dry Tortugas National Park discovered an underwater cemetery off the Floridian coast. Only one person, a laborer in Fort Jefferson who died in 1861, has been identified so far. Read to learn more.