ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATETwo sexually stimulated adult male dolphins hung onto the snake and swam together in a river. Continue reading to find out what happened to the snake after that.
For the first time, experts discovered the impact of glacial landslides after analyzing the satellite imaging from Amalia Glacier's masssive erosion last 2019. Learn more about what they found, and how these landslides affect the region they cover.
The first 25 million years of the absence of large herbivores have slowed done evolution of new plant species as demonstrated in a new study. Read on to know further details.
NASA has warned about the warming of the Earth and destroying of the ozone layer. Learn about the contribution of flood basil eruptions to these occurrences.
Plastic pollution causes harm not just to the environment but to the economy too, Find out how plastics people fail to recycle may cost billions of dollars.
Numerous flamingos and a Northern pintail duck died after a fox broke into an outdoor bird habitat. Read the article to know what Smithsonian National Zoo did after the attack.
A large tornado struck Andover, Kansas last week, inflicting more than 1,000 infrastructures and shutting off power across cities. Learn more about the event and the casualties from the twister.
The police were called to solve a traffic jam caused by an alligator crossing the highway in Florida. Read on to know what happened next to the massive reptile.
Paleontologists uncovered the largest megaraptor bones ever found in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Continue reading to know the details of the dinosaur named Maip macrothorax.