ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers estimated the recently discovered modern-looking true crabs are 100 million years old and they are a part of the most complete crustacean fossil ever conserved in a tree amber.
Scientists in Africa announced that Najin, one of the world's last two northern white rhinos is retiring as an egg cell donor due to old age and illness, leaving her daughter Fatu the only donor in the breeding program.
Experts have recently called for more urgent research on the link between heat and chronic kidney disease of the uncertain cause or CHDu to examine the situation.
Curiosity and questions about how much scientific unanimity there is that humans have led to the planet's climate to change can now be translated in number which is 99.99 percent.
Dinosaur cloning might soon become a reality after scientists found exquisitely preserved cartilage cells in a dinosaur in China that may contain the first dinosaur DNA.
A new study confirmed that greenhouse gasses, in particular carbon dioxide, played a role to the retreat of Aotearoa's glaciers near Tititea–Mt Aspiring in the past 5,000 years.
Fishers recently experienced an extraordinarily heavy catch after they found an overweight colossal ocean sunfish which, according to a marine biologist, was way too heavy that they could not put it on the scale.
Scientists from the Florida International University identified 14 new species of larvae that are mostly shrimps and lobsters that have misshapen torsos, horns, and spikes on the side.
New research from MIT could help planners to take advantage of the wave-damping benefits of marsh grass in shorelines as climate change threatens coastal ecosystems.