ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe summer season means more mosquito buzzing will be heard near your ear. Why do the tiny insects hover and produce annoying buzz on your ear?
A new study recently revealed duetting songbirds are strongly in sync that they appear "telepathic" because of their ability to mute their mate's music mind while singing.
A new species of chocolate-like frog was discovered in a lowland New Guinea forest. A potential addition to the tree frog species has just been discovered by scientists in New Guinea, and it's unlike anything seen before.
The problem with most existing chemical pesticides is that they contain harmful chemicals, both to human health and the environment - and a new formula opens up possibilities for safer and greener alternatives.
"These are more than just statistics. Increasing temperatures mean more melting ice, higher sea levels, more heatwaves and other extreme weather, and greater impacts on food security, health, the environment and sustainable development."
The space station offers a lot of opportunities to get smaller things into space. Astronauts unload and prep the CubeSats on station and then deploy them out of its airlock 250 miles above the planet.
Specialized ear tags and tracking software provide ranchers with information on their herd that, in turn, increases each animal's value when consumers of beef learn about the traceability of each and every cow.
The new research suggests that Methylene Blue can possibly be an active ingredient in sunscreens because it is safe for coral reefs and can offer a broad-spectrum protection from ultraviolet rays.
A critically endangered tree in a Missouri greenhouse was recently reported to have produced a flower that had never been documented before, in the field of science.
Among the 60,000 species of a giant turtle in the Galapagos Islands, one is believed to be extinct. But a recent expedition proves that the Chelonoidis phantasticus is still alive after being pronounced extinct for over a century.
According to local vector control officials, three scrub jays found dead in the Galt area tested positive for the West Nile virus and confirming the first case of the disease in Sacramento County.