The sustainable dwelling, Nolla cabin, is being booked, one tourist after another. (Photo : Rich C) LIDÖ, SWEDEN - Neste is well known for its renewable energy efforts.
Rutgers study shows how bacteria in wastewater plants transform widely used chemicals. When you flush the toilet, you probably don't think about the traces of the medicine and personal care products in your body that are winding up in sewage treatment plants, streams, rivers, lakes, bays and the ocean.
The destructive power of storms can only worsen in the future as the Earth continues to warm up. The crisis in the climate is driving the ocean levels to rise and it only makes everything else worse.
A newly discovered parasitic cycle, in which ocean bacteria keep phytoplankton on an energy-sapping treadmill of nutrient detoxification, may offer a preview of what further ocean warming will bring.
In the Atlantic Ocean, a giant 'conveyor belt' carries warm waters from the tropics into the North Atlantic, where they cool and sink and then return southwards in the deep ocean.
Everything from Nothing Did you know that palatable water can be collected from thin air? No, it's not magic, it's science! Everyday, people all over the world search for new ways to maximize renewable resources, and pulling water from seemingly nothing is one of the groundbreaking methods we have come up with.
A dead whale is found in the shores of Davao City, Philippines and plastic is the culprit. (Photo : Merzperson) Davao, the Republic of the Philippines - On March 16, a dead Cuvier's beaked whale was found dead on the shores of Mabini, Compostela Valley.
Freshwater biodiversity is rapidly declining worldwide, and nature-based solutions which increase the resilience of ecological communities are becoming increasingly important in helping communities prepare for the unavoidable effects of climate change.