ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEArchaeologists have discovered a moat in Jerusalem that could have served as a defense or dividing structure in the past. Read to learn more.
Archaeologists were able to unearth unique tombs and artifacts in Saqqara, with the findings including mummy masks and a statue of a childlike Greek deity. Read to learn more.
In a recent study, microplastics were discovered in 90% of meats, including plant-based options, with Americans ingesting around 11,500 annually. Continue reading for more details.
Monogamous relationships are rare in the animal kingdom, but some species are known for staying with a single partner for the rest of their lives. Learn more about them in this article.
A black-eyed squid was filmed swimming with its eggs hanging through its arms like a cape. Continue reading to know the full story and watch the video.
Butterflies in Catalonia, Spain, are great at regulating their body temperature but are at risk of extinction due to global warming. Continue reading to learn more.
Early primates probably lived in pairs, an indication that their social organization could be more flexible than previously assumed. Continue reading the article to find out more.
The Tasmanian devil die-off, driven by contagious tumors, triggers genetic shifts in another predator, causing ripple effects throughout the food chain. Read the article for more details.
Many desert sand dunes are known to emit persistent, low-frequency harmonious sound in a phenomenon called ‘singing sand’. Read the article to find out more.
It's difficult to come up with an accurate map because cartographers have to stretch a sphere to fit into a rectangle. Continue reading to know the true accurate real world map.
A new study reveals that high levels of mercury can be traced back to specific types of brain cells of mammals. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Wildlife officials in Georgia are concerned with the invasion of a huge frog from Cuba that can grow as big as a human hand. Check this article to find out more.