Global demand for critical minerals like lithium, cobalt, and graphite, crucial for low-carbon technologies, prompts interest in deep sea mining. But is it a good alternative? Read the article to learn more.
An advanced geothermal project has begun pumping carbon–free electricity onto the Nevada grid to power Google data centers. Learn more about it in this article.
Conservationists have come up with a new solution to save the coral reefs in Florida Keys from the effects of ocean heatwave. Learn more about it in this article.
A study proposes that the dinosaur extinction resulted from more than a meteorite as massive volcanic eruptions inducing climate change may have played a crucial role. Continue reaiding for more details.
Thankfully, as the months go by, it's becoming easier and easier to source inexpensive yet entirely sustainable items of clothing, accessories, shoes, and other fashion items, and now, the world of interior design is quickly catching up. So, with that said, here are five steps to eco-friendly interior design.
Scientists made a stunning discovery which reveals that bacteria can exhibit a form of memory related to its adopting strategies. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Using aerial photography and satellite imagery, archeologists have unveiled a network of previously unknown and huge Bronze Age sites in Central Europe. Learn more about it in this article.