
Suicide Rates Peak During Full Moon and Late Afternoons, New Study Reveals; How Strong Is the Linkage Between Lunar Phases and Mental Health?

MEDICINE & HEALTH Indiana University School of Medicine researchers found that suicides increase significantly during the week of the full moon, particularly among people over 55 years old. They also identified 3-4 pm and September as peak times for suicides, suggesting high-risk patients be followed more closely during those times. Click here to learn more.
Can Breakup Songs Help You Mend Your Broken Heart? Here's What a Psychologist Says

Can Breakup Songs Help You Mend Your Broken Heart? Here's What a Psychologist Says

One is drawn to sad music after a breakup and it has an explanation. Read the article to know more. (Photo: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio) Can Breakup Songs Help You Mend Your Broken Heart? Here's What a Psychologist Says Those who are going through heartaches after a breakup are usually drawn to listening to sad songs.
How a Bad Night Sleep Can Ruin Your Workday?

How a Bad Night Sleep Can Ruin Your Workday?

Lack of sleep can affect your performance at work. Read to know more. (Photo: Pexels/Ivan Oboleninov) How a Bad Night Sleep Can Ruin Your Workday? Your quality of sleep can affect your performance at work.
Little Blue Pill

What Happens If a Girl Takes Viagra? Will It Work For Women?

While Viagra is known to treat erectile dysfunction, will it also work for women? Read to find out. While the common treatment for erectile dysfunction is specially developed for men, what exactly happens if a girl takes it? Viagra: a Fighter Against Erectile Dysfunction According to Medical News Today, Viagra is an approved prescription medication for treating erectile dysfunction.

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