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03.21.2023 12:28 PM
The American Academy of Dermatology was pleased to have representatives from the Middle East International Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Association (MEIDAM) presenting at this year's annual event. The team of physicians from Morocco, Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, and the UAE introduced technological advancements in dermatology. The monumental event occurred on March 16, 2023, in New Orleans.
03.21.2023 10:00 AM
Nanotechnology presents a potential treatment for lymphedema using nanoparticles. Read the article for more details.
03.21.2023 08:00 AM
There are different ways and medications to get rid of the super annoying warts. Read the article to know how.
03.20.2023 11:48 AM
Mindful eating can help you break the cycle of unhealthy eating habits and enjoy your food again. Learn how to practice mindfulness while eating with this guide.
03.20.2023 09:20 AM
A man from Ghana carried six giant African land snails to Michigan for consumption. Read the article to know more.
03.20.2023 08:40 AM
Newborn babies in the UK will be tested for genetic conditions under a new program. Read the article for more details.
03.20.2023 07:46 AM
A pill for cancer will be tested for the first time as a cure for epilepsy in October. Read the article for more details.
03.19.2023 23:50 PM
The first robot-operated drug lab capsule will board a SpaceX spacecraft this June. Read to learn more.
03.19.2023 22:52 PM
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) offers an online calculator to gauge life expectancy. Read the article to learn more.
03.19.2023 02:00 AM
A mother's diet and lifestyle during pregnancy may significantly impact child neurodevelopment—specifically language, motor, and cognitive skills—of two-year-old children. Read to learn more.
03.19.2023 01:01 AM
Researchers have discovered two novel genes that are linked with risk of developing schizophrenia. Read to learn more.
03.18.2023 23:20 PM
Sleep duration signfiicantly impacts one's risk of developing peripheral artery disease. Read to learn more.
03.17.2023 04:31 AM
A new study explores the link between high blood caffeine levels and its health benefits, such as lower body fat. Read the article to learn more.
03.17.2023 01:49 AM
The witching hour is the inconsolable crying that starts two to three weeks after birth. Check out how to calm down newborns when they experience it.
03.17.2023 01:40 AM
Several people have identified themselves as starseeds, and three English psychologists have embarked on a journey to shed light on the matter. Read to learn more.
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