MEDICINE & HEALTHBacterial colonies work together to ensure the survival of all individuals. Read on to find out how the colony punishes selfish freeloading strains and how it affects the rest of the colony.
Researchers identified over 220 distinctive pathways through which human interaction with nature favorably or adversely affects wellbeing. Read to know more.
Researchers invented a Band-Aid-like device, a flexible, stretchable computing chip that processes information by emulating the human brain. Read to know more.
People always search for genuine long-term happiness, but researchers say we are biased to pursue more and sacrifice happiness. Read on to learn more about the mental bias of happiness, habituation, and comparison.
A successful experiment transformed a baker's yeast into a humanized yeast after adding human genes into the single-cell organism. Continue reading to know how this study would help the medical field.
Multiple ancient human civilizations took a distinct turn for the worst thousands of years ago and scientists believe that the now-extinct pathogens were a major factor in their decline. Read the article to know more.
Researchers found that a locust can smell cancer and even differentiate three types of mouth cancer cells by picking them out from a healthy human cell. Read the article to learn how this can speed up cancer screening.
Many women have been using tampons for years. But a new viral claim says that this may pose a hazardous health risk causing cancer, uterus damage, excessive bleeding, and extreme pain. Is this true? Here's what experts say.
Chicago health officials confirmed that an employee in a child care center in Rantoul Township, Champaign County tested positive for monkeypox, so the kids could have been exposed to the virus. Read more to know the full story.
Researchers report a new low-calorie sweetener that could replace the white sugar table and is even good for gut microbes. Read the article to learn more.
Scientists modified E. Coli bacteria using genetic engineering. Continue reading to find out the potential application of the modified bacteria in the field of medicine and health.
Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the US and experts say that quitting reverses its effects and improves bone health. Read the article to know more.
Clinical trials could help monkeypox patients get access to SIGA Technologies, Inc's Tecovirimat used to treat smallpox, but FDA hasn't approved it yet. Read more to know the details.
Scientists said the health benefits are distinctive to the Nordic dairy product and are not found in cheese except Jarlsberg cheese. Read to know more.