NANOTECHNOLOGYResearchers developed a nanomaterial-based device for the effective monitoring and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Read to know more about the invention.
A family is raising awareness about littermate syndrome after their daughter was mauled by four 12-week-old puppies. Read the article to know the full story.
Scientists are optimistic about new approaches that harness the power of the immune system to prevent cancer from developing. Read the article to learn more about how a cancer vaccine could be possible in the coming years.
Bacterial intimacy is behind the growth of antimicrobial resistance because it's how they strengthen each other to fight antibiotics. Continue reading for the details.
A new study discovered two proteins that had not been identified in the DNA repair process and make cancer cells resistant to certain drugs. Read more to know the details.
Experts from Finland developed a monkey media player that lets primates entertain themselves by choosing their preferred content. Learn more about the experiment and how the monkeys responded to programs similar to Spotify and Netflix.
Scottish ministers refuse ideas of the UK regarding advancements in genetically modified produce. Read more about why Scotland and UK are split over new plans for gene-edited foods.
Bariatric surgery is the most effective and invasive treatment for patients with obesity to solve weight loss problems. However, it can also help patients with cancer, read this article for details.
The Fugate family from an isolated rural area in the US were regularly inbreeding with their relatives. Read the full story of the generations of incest in this family with a bizarre genetic condition.
Experts warn celebrities from their obsessed fans who might steal their DNA because it's now easier to do it, especially since genetic paparazzi have increased. Read the article to know more.
Victorian people used Egyptian mummies as medicine for certain illnesses. They were also used as post-dinner entertainment at parties. Read to know more.
Scientists have been improving organ bioprinting technology to provide 3D-printed organs to patients needing transplants. Find out how 3D printing in medicine could change the lives of those waiting for organ transplants.