MEDICINE & HEALTHA new study was able to remove tumors from mice subjects with liver cancer through projected ultrasounds. Read more about this new, non-invasive tumor removal operation that uses sound waves.
An international team of researchers showed how gold nanoparticles can drastically enhance the production of antibodies to increase vaccine efficacy. Read on to learn further details.
UCSD experts conducted the first-ever study on the effects of chronic JUUL usage on inflammatory health. Read more about the impacts of vaping on the heart, lungs, colon, and brain.
A gorilla at a Chicago Zoo is reported to be addicted to smartphones and now zookeepers are reducing his screen time. Learn more about such behavior here.
Zelensky warns the public to prepare for a probable Russian nuclear attack and calls to stockpile anti-radiation pills. Learn more about the pills here.
Two strains of bacterium causing tuberculosis were found to have an effect on the disease’s transmission. Find out how these variants impact such TB spread.
Research showed that people over 65 years of age are at higher risk of experiencing breakthrough COVID-19. Know more about the virus’s link with Mental Health.
3D telemedicine was developed for astronauts to stay healthy. Learn more about ‘holoportation’ and the use of Hololens kinetic camera for this technology.
A new study found that mushrooms are communicating with each other and even use a vocabulary of 50 words. Find out what other scientists say about this.
Experts at MIT developed a robotic arm that can operate endovascular surgery for patients who are not admitted to medical hospitals. Read on about this innovation that can carry out operations remotely.